Working with ICT Flashcards
Name two disadvantages of teleworking to the employee
Employee may feel isolated - not invited to work functions etc
May not be a quiet place in the house to work eg. If children are present
Name two advantages of teleworking to the employee
Not having to go work saves time and money eg. Don’t have to be train fares everyday
Flexibility of working hours eg. Employees can work around home life such as child care
Name two advantages of teleworking for the employerf
Employ workers from a wider pool of talent eg. Does not have to be in local area
Reduce office overheads eg electricity, gas, insurance etc.
Name two disadvantages of teleworking to the employer
Hard to determine how hard staff are working eg. Hard to monitor their progress
Employers usually pay for the employees ICT equipment - this can be expensive
What is video conferencing?
Use of high speed telecommunications for synchronous meetings
Used in business to conduct meetings remotely
And in education eg lectures
What are the general benefits of video conferencing?
Less traffic congestion and pollution
What are the employee benefits of video conferencing?
Less time spent traveling
Better family life
Less stress
What are the employer benefits of video conferencing?
Less expenses to pay
More productivity
What are the limits of video conferencing?
Cost of buying expensive equipment
Never the same a ‘real’ face to face contact
Can’t pass around products eg prototypes/models
What is a code of conduct
An employee code of conduct consists of rules drawn up by the senior management or their advisors that set out what an employee is/is not allowed to do in the course of their employment.
It also details the sanctions which will be applied should the employee not obey the rules
Describe four things a code of conduct should contain
Abiding by current legislation eg. Copyrights act
Authorisation - what parts of the system they can use
Consequences of breaking the code eg warnings etc.
Protecting hardware and software from malicious damage eg. Not using memory pens with viruses on company HW
Describe three ways in which an employee can misuse the organisations ICT facilities
Introduction of viruses eg. By downloading games, not scanning portable media and not updating virus scanners
Using data to set up own business
Using telecommunications for own use/purpose (eg. phone calls, email etc.) and using printers for personal use
Name four different penalties for the the misuse
Informal (verbal) warnings
Written warnings
Describe three possible health issues which could have occurred with the intro of ICT systems and what actions can be taken to prevent them
RSI (repetitive strain injury) caused by prolonged working at computers - ergonomic keyboards, wrist and foot supports, correct chair positioning
Eye strain or epileptic fits - screen filters to remove glare and take regular breaks from looking at the screen
Back problems - adjustable chairs, foot supports and take regular breaks to walk around room
Describe the impact systems could have upon jobs and work patterns using three different examples
Teleworking eg. Working from home using computer networks saves on transport cost and time etc.
Collaborative working eg. Working together on same electronic document
Video conferencing eg. allows remote meetings
How can an organisation enforce a code of conduct?
By enforcing the penalties and reminding all staff of their responsibilities of breaking the code which are:
Informal (verbal) warnings
Written warnings etc
Also provide training and an employee handbook
Name three advantages for the worker of mobile access to the Internet
Can access email & search the Internet on the move
Increase in real time collaborative working eg video conferencing
Can work anywhere, home or office eg teleworking
Name three disadvantages for the worker of mobile access to the Internet
Affects home/work life balance
Battery life on mobile devices
Work progress hampered by distractions