Working With Communities (The Community Organization Method) Flashcards
This is a term most commonly used by workers and the humanitarian service agencies in the Philippines to refer to community development.
Community work
This refers to various methods of intervention whereby a professional change ageng helps a comminity action system composed of individuals, groups or organizations, to engage in planned collective action in order to deal with social problems within a democratic system of values.
Community organization
Refer to a group of people gathered together in any geographic area, large or small, who have common interests, actual or potentially recognized, in the social welfare field.
These populations have a common interest in changing existing institutions to their advantage in order to achieve redistribution of opportunity, resources, and benefits.
Relevant commmunities
This meant a feeling of belongingness and responsible civic behavior.
Sense of community and citizenship
The consequences of the occassional failure of a social system from its normal operation.
The consequence of particular social arrangements operating the way they are expected and desired, but not the result of human failing.
Are concerned with concrete tasks, undertaken in order to meet specific needs or to solve particular problems.
Task goals
Are concerned with the process of helping people in a community or neighborhood or a particular constituency group to strengthen their qualities of participation, self-direction, and cooperation.
Process goals
Focus on changing certain types of social relationships, especially decision-making patterns in a community.
Relationship goals
Who specified the three types of objectives in community organizing?
Arthur Dunham
The intellectual work involved in problem solving such as making choices as to what to do, when and how.
Analytical tasks
This connote the action undertaken by the practitioner in relatonship with other people.
Interactional tasks
This refers to the traditional “council” model, criticized in the literature on the ground that “participation of all” leads primarily to trade offs and the protection of the status quo.
Associated with the type of structure in which representatives of a minority view or interest are included within the organizational framework dominated by others but render legitimacy to the latter’s purpose.
Organizes a structure designed to maximize his opportunity to achieve that purpose.
Central planner
This takes its point of departure from general statements of goals and values and leads into more specific program measures.
Policy formulation
Looking at ends and means as a chain of interaction, analysis aims both at distinguishing them and showing their interrelationships.
Ends-means analysis
This means the specification of the structures and relationships that the planning project might affect.
System analysis
Different policy choices will, it is assumed, result in different benefits.
Benefits analysis
This entails approximation of the possibilities and constraints that will affect alternatives, policy approaches.
Resource analysis
Involves the detailed spelling out of implementing actions to carry out broad policies related to a goal.
Applies to the monitoring of operations that takes place as a result of a problem-solving or planning process.
Cover a wide variety of groups and organizations based on a membership whose common interest is in achieving some change of improvement in social arrangements, institutions, or relationships.
Voluntary associations
A formal bureaucratic organization that has, as its central purpose, the provision of a service to a designed targget population.
Service agency
Are networks of formal organizations whose function is the determination of how to organize and deploy resources to deal with social problems.
Planning and allocating organizations
Incorporates proposals for change as well as a set of values as to what is desirable.
(Role) A practitioner who has no programs or prescriptions of his own to implement but is skilled in developing relationships with people and helping them to identify their needs and to develop the capacity to solve their problems.
(Role) He has expert analytical ability in defining the problem, examining its dimensions, and developing alternative solutions.
(Role) The practitioner is committed to a cause that he pursues explicitly in conjucton with others who share his goals.
Much of the knowledge base and practice of community organization in the Philippines has been derived from the experiences of what country?
United States of America
During this period, the charity organization societies were the clearest expression of community organization.
The Charity Organization Period (1870-1917)
The use of ________ method was introduced through studies by settlements such as Hull Houses in Chicago and South End House in Boston.
During this period, the central phenomenon was the rise and rapid growth of community chests and councils of social agencies.
The Rise of Federations (1917-1935)
This period was marked by a recognition of the broader implicatons of community organization and by an increased concern with the analysis of the process and the development of professional skills.
Expansion and Professional Development (1935-1955)
The first cooperative and widely circulated statement regarding the nature of generic community welfare organization.
Lane report
During this period, the struggle for civil rights and racial justice, urban decay and efforts at urban development, the Economic Opportunity and the War on Poverty, and the phenomenon of mass organization of consumers and lower-income groups are the intertwined themes of community organization.
Community Organization and Social Change (1955-1970)
The organization for relatively large numbers of consumers or members of lower income groups, for the purpose of developing power and bringing pressure to bear on institutions, groups, and individuals to achieve the objectives of the organization.
Mass organization
The book of Saul Alinsky which contains the fullest expression of his philosophy and methods.
Reveille for Radicals
Roland Warren implied that community organizaton was concerned with _______ which is essentially within the existing institutional structure.
System maintenance and problem-solving
This is a system-disturbing approach concerned with problem-solving which is principally based on some sort of reorganization of the institutional structure through grassroots effort.
Community development
Its main objective was to “coordinate the welfare services of its member agencies for sound community planning and concerned action.
Council of Welfare Agencies of the Philippines
The need for a unified approach to raise funds for the support of private voluntary welfare organizations was felt in the Philippines as early as 1947, so ______ was initiated as an adoptation of the efforts from United States of America.
Community Chest
When was the Community Chest and Councils of the Philippines organized?
May 5, 1970
Though its main task is to coordinate governmental and non-governmental agencies engaged in youth welfare services, it has likewise tried to help its members become aware of the needs and problems of the youth through publications and forums and tried to promote public understanding of these needs and problems.
Philippine Youth Welfare Coordination Council
This is the Philippine fore-runner of community development established by President Elpidio Quirino.
President’s Action Committee on Social Amelioration (PACSA)
The legally constituted governing unit of the barrios.
The barrio council
This is the social welfare goal.
The well being of man
The first people’s organization in the Philippines.
Zone One Tondo Organization
This aims to promote training program for organizers in a systematic and professional way, and to build a mass-based organization through which resignation and fear can slowly be eliminated.
Philippine Ecunemical Council on Community Organization (PECCO)
Launched on December 16, 1970 which opened a new field of endeavor for social workers: social development.
Philippine Business for Social Progress
Founded on the philosophy that individual, group, community, and national growth and development can only come about when there is active participation and involvement of the people themselves in any developmeng process.
Baranganic Approach
The linking of organizations, institutions, and individuals for a common purpose.
This is an attempt by many parishes to integrate faith component with the realities of basic needs in a community.
Basic Christian Communities-Community Organization (BCC-CO) model
The leading network for social service and social welfare agencies in the country.
National Council of Social Development Foundation
This refers to the succession of actions/steps which lead to a result, a prime requisite of steps involved for without recurrence.
Describes the age, group of the target clientele, their income levels, years of residence in the areas, typology of problem, the area of coverage, etc.
Criteria for eligibility
A dislay of recognition and respect for an authority figure in a locality.
Courtesy call
This sanction or acceptance which the social worker derives from his relationship with the leaders and the community.
Negotiated sanction
Derived from being a professional social worker and the agency he represents.
Official sanction
This simulate interaction, thus bringing up attitudes, feelings, and observed behavior which may be helpful in exploring and understanding problems.
Interview schedules
Through this instrument, the anonimity of the client is kept and as such, he is free to express through writing his views without fear of being identified.
These include maps, census data, newspaper, school records, minutes of committee meetings, agencies’ reports, publications about the target area, pictures, and even anecdotes.
Primarily directed towards describing and understanding behavior as it occurs.
There are some information in the community that needs to be gathered through other people or sources other than the clients themselves.
Collateral information
Only relevant information should be taken, information that has significance to the situation at hand.
Principle of Parsimony
The conversion of all the collected information into a form that permits statistical tabulation.
Data collation
A professional judgement or opinion as to what is the problem and how it affects the people.
Is the most common measure of central tendency employed by social workers.
Arithmetic mean
Shows the extremes of variation in the group.
Deciding where to start.
Ranking or ordering
A process in which men and women, acting through organized entities, endeavor to guide development so as to solve the pressing problems around them.
This is also called by social work authors as treatment planning, intervention, plan of action or service contract.
Planning for solutions
Three components of planning for solutions.
Objective setting, contract setting, and success indicator formulation
It is simply a statement of a result to be achieved based on needs and problems previously identified from the analysis conducted in the earlier steps.
Specific measurable accomplishment to be achieved within a specific time and resources are identified.
Objective setting
Oftentimes call the “goal.”
General objectives
Rundowns of the things to be done to achieve the general objectives.
Specific objectives
An agreement between and among people or groups of people to conduct a particular task or achieve a specific objective and decision on the conditions under which they work on it, so they can smoothly and meaningfully develop a sense of belongingness, responsibility and accountability for it.
Estabilishing a sequence of action to follow im reaching objectives.
Determining who will see to the accomplishment of objectives and action steps and defining specific rules.
Fixing assignments and accountability
Determining and assigning the resources required to reach objectives.
Estabilshing time requirements for objectives and action steps.
A gauge of effective performances.
Success indicators
A qualification of performance factors, a unit of measurement used as a standard against which to evaluate performance.
Success indicator
Putting into action or carrying out the plan formulated jointly by the people of the community, the existing social agencies and the social worker during the planning phase, to bring about positive change in the area of community.
The worker rejects neutrality, takes the side of the client group, and assures a more active role.
Activist role
The procedure adopted by social workers to achieve a goal.
The goal of community development.
Community competence
The process by which the efforts of the people themselves are united with those of government authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural condiitons of the communities.
Community development
The process of deliberate intervention at the grassroots level for the purpose of improving the environment and the people’s socio-political functioning.
Community development
Efforts directed toward integrating the different action systems of the community with other system of the local community and/or with extra community action systems, efforts aimed at bringing about reforms in attitutdes, policies, and practice of large private and public agencies, including legal, functional and operating system.
Social planning
Refers to individual or group activity designed to influence a change in social policy.
Social action
A law or is a written statement by an organization or agency.
Formal policy
Handed down from generation to generation as custom or tradition.
Informal policy
A shared problem leads to the formulation of an _______.
Informal group