Work Stuff (Mostly) Flashcards
There’s a nice way to eject webpack.config.js from angular-cli
ng eject
downside to ejecting from Angular CLI app
build/start scripts in your package.json will be replaced with the new commands and instead of $ ng serve you would have to do something like $ npm run build & npm run start
why no visible webpack config
it was a design decision to not allow users to modify the Webpack configuration to reduce the learning curve
you can hack the config template in
what does ng build –prod do differently
js files have numbers in the names?
webpack with minification
webpack –optimize-minimize
api to add a new “company field group”
/vdev/company/contacts/field_group { “roomContactTypeId”: “string”, “displayName”: “string” }
companyId is null (instead of ==)
uses the pattern matching feature of C# 7, which is available with is expressions and switch/case statements
to add a new field group . . .
POST /vdev/company/contacts/field_group
{ “roomContactTypeId”: “string”,
“displayName”: “string” }
existing user table has one-to-one email address
changing to User->UserIdentity table (latter has id, email, pwd, failedpwdcount)
security asked us to move toward BIGINT for user id
Role table
The mockup for the new “Add Data Field” modal
What the “Data Field Type” dropdown looks like when expanded
To get the available room contact types . . .
GET /vdev/meta/room_contact_types
{ “entities”: [{ “defaultTransactionSideId”: “string”, “defaultRoleId”: “string”, “id”: “string”, “name”: “string”, “displayOrder”: 0 }] }