git Flashcards
set an Angular-CLI project to use yarn
ng set –global packageManager=yarn
push a vanilla local repo to GitHub
git remote add origin{{name}}.git
git push -u origin master (-u is short for –set-upstream)
can use hub (the advanced command line for GitHub) to fork a repo
needs SSH cert and not https mode, though
can run the GitHub API directly from the command line with curl statements
to fork your own GitHub repo . . .
1) new repo on GH; 2) clone locally; 3) add an upstream remote: git remote add upstream {originalGitFile}; 4) git pull upstream master 5) push: git push origin master
to update your fork from the original
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
after forking, you have two remotes
origin (form) and upstream (original)
lists the most recently worked on branches from top to bottom
git for-each-ref –sort=-committerdate refs/heads/
optional “–count 3”
optional “–format ‘%(refname)’”
optional “–merged __” or “–no-merged __” shows which ones have or have not been merged FROM the specified branch