Word Production Flashcards
What are the pros of the classical approach?
- quick to convey general idea
- easily understood by other professionals
- diagnosis re: service
- articulates general localization of lesion
- general idea of prognosis
What are the cons of the classical approach?
- always exceptions, Pts don’t fit neatly into these boxes
- focuses on impairment not function
- very generalized and polytypic categories
- jargon is difficult for Pts and families
- overlap of attributes in diff types
What are some alternative approaches to the classical approach?
- psycholinguistic/cognitive neuropsych approach
- computational/imaging approach
- social/life participation approach
Describe the psycholinguistic/cognitive neuropsych approach
Assumption: mind’s language system Is organized in separate modules (“modularity”), and these can be selectively impaired by brain damage
Describe computational/imaging approaches
Assumption: beyond modularity it focuses on the dynamics of language processing and language networks
describe the social / life participation approach
Aphasia is located outside of the person in relationships with others and in the social community. As such, aphasia is viewed as an element of a social system and the importance of communication as a social act is emphasized.
What is beneficial about the PALPA model?
Allows us to understand the different components and processes of what is required to speak, to understand, read and write.
-It also helps us to understand where damage occurs in certain disorders
T or F: the object recognition system and the semantic system both involve linguistic representations
Describe the semantic system
-knowledge of the meaning of words
Describe the phonological output lexicon
- representations of all the words in a speaker’s vocabulary
- representations are phonological and the store is for output
Describe the idea of spreading activation
- categories go from general to more and more specific. This is done through spreading activation.
- When a unit is activated, activation spreads along all of the pathways that are connected to it
The PALPA model applies to the ______ level only
List the types of lexical word errors
- meaning based (semantic)
- sound based (phonemic)
- mixed
- blends
List the types of phonemic and phonetic (sub-lexical) errors
- substitutions
- additions
- deletions
- phoneme movement
What factors affect word production?
- frequency
- imageability
- word length
- familiarity
- age of acquisition
The Semantic-Phonological SP model tries to account for what type of error
non-word productions
Describe anomia at the semantic level
- can be general, non-specific impairments to semantics
- can be category specific
- generally poor at recognizing own semantic errors in naming
- semantic difficulty in word comp
- naming affected by semantic variables
- poor performance on tasks requiring precise semantic knowledge
Describe anomia without semantic impairment
- PTs comprehension of words they can’t speak will be unimpaired
- word frequency likely affects probability of producing a word
- will make approximations (paraphasias)
- impairment on many verbal tasks
Describe anomia arising at the phonological output lexicon
- PTs impaired on many verbal tasks
- errors may be due to difficult activating the output lexicon (semantic paraphasias)
- errors may be due to disturbance of lexicon (neologisms)
- post lexical phonemic processes (phonemic paraphasias)
Describe how language is stored in the phonological output lexicaon
- words likely stored in phonologically similar groupings
- root morphemes separated from affixes
- word class distinctions are represented