Word Associations Flashcards
Foucault Pendulum
evidence for Earth’s rotation
altitude of Polaris
equals your latitude
angle of insolation
altitude of Sun
North Star
15 degrees of longitude
1 time zone, 1 hour
15 degrees/hour
Earth’s rotational velocity
cold and dry
high pressure
warm and wet
low pressure
nuclear fusion
Sun’s core
white dwarf
fate of Sun
Coriolis Effect
wind deflection
Coriolis Effect
from Earth rotation
Coriolis Effect
winds to the right (N. hem.)
index fossil
index fossil
found many places
Big Bang
Red Shift
Big Bang
background radiation
Big Bang
universe creation
Red Shift
moving away
dark color, dense minerals
ocean crust
light color, low density minerals
continental crust
mid-ocean ridges
divergence, new rocks made
sea floor spreading
magnetic patterns, divergence
repeating pattern
incoming solar energy
outgoing heat energy
oblate spheroid
Earth’s true shape
slightly elliptical
Earth’s orbit’s shape
latitude lines
horizontal, measure N. or S.
longitude lines
vertical, measure E. or W.
Prime Meridian
starting line for longitude
Prime Meridian
Greenwich, England
starting line for latitude
sunrise & sunset direction (for Equinox)
E to W
sunrise & sunset direction (for Winter Solstice)
SE to SW
sunrise & sunset direction (for Summer Solstice)
NE to NW
Summer Solstice
June 21 (Sun high in S. sky at noon)
Winter Solstice
December 21 (Sun low in S. sky at noon)
Vernal (Spring) Equinox
March 21 (Sun in middle of S. sky at noon)
Autumnal (Fall) Equinox
September 22 (Sun in middle of S. sky at noon)
equal day and night everywhere on Earth
experiences equal day and night all year long
Earth’s axial tilt
23.5 degrees
Earth’s axial tilt & revolution
cause seasons
waxing phases
light on right
waning phases
light on left
29.5 days
1 full Moon to the next
solar eclipse
block Sun with Moon
lunar eclipse
block Moon with Earth
solar eclipse
during new Moon
lunar eclipse
during full Moon