Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, and Soils Flashcards
breakdown of rock
physical weathering (also called mechanical)
breaking rock into smaller particles
chemical weathering
when chemistry of rock changes when it’s broken down
weathering where rocks grind away by friction as they contact other rocks
frost wedging
weathering in moist areas where water freezes and thaws in cracks making the cracks bigger in time
mixture of weathered rock and organic material
residual soil
soil that forms in place
transported soil
soil that is moved to a different location and is no longer where it had formed
water seeping into soil and ground
the moving of sediments by agents of erosion
agents of erosion
the thing that’s doing the moving (ice, liquid water, wind, gravity)
describes tiny sediments that are dissolved in water and transported in stream or ocean
describes sediments that are carried within the water column of some body of water
describes sediments that are transported near the top of some water body
bed load
describes larger sediments that roll around along the bed of a stream because they are too big to be carried