Womens health - contraception Flashcards
When should people be tested for STIs after an episode of UPSI?
2 and 12 weeks after an incident of UPSI. According to the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) guidelines, testing for STIs should be carried out at 2 weeks and 12 weeks following an episode of unprotected sexual intercourse. The rationale behind this is that different STIs have varying incubation periods, and testing at these time points helps to identify infections that may not have been detectable earlier.
What is the age of consent for sexual activity in the UK? When can practitioners provide advice and contraception to young people?
the age of consent for sexual activity in the UK is 16 years. Practitioners may however provide advice and contraception if they feel that the young person is ‘competent’. This is usually assessed using the Fraser guidelines (see below)
children under the age of 13 years are considered unable to consent for sexual intercourse and hence consultations regarding this age group should automatically trigger child protection measures
What are the fraser guidelines for assessing young people’s competence in discussing contraception?
-the young person understands the professional’s advice
-the young person cannot be persuaded to inform their parents
-the young person is likely to begin, or to continue having, sexual intercourse with or without contraceptive treatment
-unless the young person receives contraceptive treatment, their physical or mental health, or both, are likely to suffer
-the young person’s best interests require them to receive contraceptive advice or treatment with or without parental consent
What is the contraceptive method of choice for young people under the age of 20?
clearly long-acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARCs) have advantages in young people as this age group may often be less reliable in remembering to take medication
however, there are some concerns about the effect of progesterone-only injections (Depo-provera) on bone mineral density and the UKMEC category of the IUS and IUD is 2 for women under the age of 20 years, meaning they may not be the best choice
the progesterone-only implant (Nexplanon) is therefore the LARC of choice is young peopl
What is the contraceptive patch regime?
Contraceptive patch regime: wear one patch a week for three weeks and do not wear a patch on week four
What is the advice if a patch change is delayed at the end of week one or week 2?
If the patch change is delayed at the end of week 1 or week 2:
If the delay in changing the patch is less than 48 hours, it should be changed immediately and no further precautions are needed.
If the delay is greater than 48 hours, the patch should be changed immediately and a barrier method of contraception used for the next 7 days. If the woman has had sexual intercourse during this extended patch-free interval or if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred in the last 5 days, then emergency contraception needs to be considered.
What is the advice if a patch change is delayed at the end of week 3?
If the patch removal is delayed at the end of week 3:
The patch should be removed as soon as possible and the new patch applied on the usual cycle start day for the next cycle, even if withdrawal bleeding is occurring. No additional contraception is needed.
If patch application is delayed at the end of a patch-free week, additional barrier contraception should be used for 7 days following any delay at the start of a new patch cycle.
How does obesity affect the contraceptive patch?
Combined contraceptive transdermal patch may be less effective in patients over 90kg
How does bariatric surgery affect hormonal contraception?
Patients who have had a gastric sleeve/bypass/duodenal switch cannot have oral contraception ever again due to lack of efficacy, including emergency contraception.
How does obesity affect the use of levornogestrel as emergency contraception?
The dose should be doubled to 3mg levonorgestrel for those with a BMI >26 kg/m2 or weight over 70kg. As this patient has a diagnosis of obesity we know her BMI is 30 kg/m2 or higher. Therefore, the answer is levonorgestrel 3mg.
What is the mode of action of Levonorgestrel (emergency pill/levonelle)
-mode of action not fully understood - acts both to stop ovulation and inhibit implantation
When can levonorgestrel be taken? What is the dose?
should be taken as soon as possible - efficacy decreases with time
must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI)*
single dose of levonorgestrel 1.5mg (a progesterone)
the dose should be doubled for those with a BMI >26 or weight over 70kg
How effective is levonorgestrel? what are the side effects?
84% effective is used within 72 hours of UPSI
levonorgestrel is safe and well-tolerated. Disturbance of the current menstrual cycle is seen in a significant minority of women. Vomiting occurs in around 1%
if vomiting occurs within 3 hours then the dose should be repeated
Can levonorgestrel be used more than once in a menstrual cycle?
When can hormonal contraception be started?
can be used more than once in a menstrual cycle if clinically indicated
hormonal contraception can be started immediately after using levornogestrel (Levonelle) for emergency contraception
What is the mode of action of ullipristal? (morning after pill)
a selective progesterone receptor modulator currently marketed as EllaOne. The primary mode of action is thought to be inhibition of ovulation
When should ullipristal be used? Can this be used more than once within the same menstrual cycle? Can you breastfeed?
30mg oral dose taken as soon as possible, no later than 120 hours after intercourse
concomitant use with levonorgestrel is not recommended
repeated dosing within the same menstrual cycle was previously not recommended - however, this has now changed and ulipristal can be used more than once in the same cycle
breastfeeding should be delayed for one week after taking ulipristal. There are no such restrictions on the use of levonorgestrel
When can usual contraception be resumed after ullipristal?
Ulipristal may reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraception. Contraception with the pill, patch or ring should be started, or restarted, 5 days after having ulipristal. Barrier methods should be used during this period and until contraception re-established i.e. 48hrs on desogestrel.
Who should exercise caution in using ullipristal?
caution should be exercised in patients with severe asthma
What is the most effective emergency contraception? Who should be offered this?
a copper IUD is the most effective method of emergency contraception and should be offered to all women if they meet the criteria
if the criteria for insertion of a copper IUD are not met or is not acceptable to the woman, oral emergency contraception should be considered
in practice the vast majority of women choose oral emergency contraception, but it is important to offer the choice to all women given how effective copper IUDs are
When can a copper coil be inserted for emergency contraception? how effective is this? can this be left in?
must be inserted within 5 days of UPSI, or
if a woman presents after more than 5 days then an IUD may be fitted up to 5 days after the likely ovulation date
may inhibit fertilisation or implantation
prophylactic antibiotics may be given if the patient is considered to be at high-risk of sexually transmitted infection
is 99% effective regardless of where it is used in the cycle
may be left in-situ to provide long-term contraception. If the client wishes for the IUD to be removed it should be at least kept in until the next period
Who is offered cervical screening? who is offered HPV vaccine? What should individuals engaging in anal sex and rimming be advised of and offered?
-Cervical screening should be offered to all sexually active individuals with a uterus.
-Human papillomavirus vaccinations should be offered to all sexually active individuals.
-Individuals engaging in anal sex and rimming should be advised of the risk of hepatitis A & B and offered vaccinations.
-Individuals at risk of HIV transmission should be advised of the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis as required.
Does testosterone therapy provide protection against pregnancy? Can this be used in pregnancy?
Testosterone therapy does not provide protection against pregnancy and if the patient becomes pregnant, testosterone therapy is contraindicated as can have teratogenic effects.
What contraceptive methods can be used if the patient is taking testosterone therapy (transgender male)?
Regimes containing oestrogen are not recommended in patients undergoing testosterone therapy as can antagonize the effect of testosterone therapy.
Progesterone only contraceptives are not considered to have any detrimental effect on testosterone therapy and the intrauterine system and injections may also suspend menstruation.
Non-hormonal intrauterine devices do not interact with hormonal regimes but can exacerbate menstrual bleeding, which may be unacceptable to patients.
What emergency contraception can be used in patients taking testosterone therapy?
Either of the available oral emergency contraceptive options may be considered as it is believed that neither oral formulation interacts with testosterone therapy. In addition, the non-hormonal intrauterine device may be considered, however, this may have unacceptable side effects in some patients.
Do patients who are assigned male at birth and are taking oestrogen therapy need to use barrier contraception?
In patients assigned male at birth, oestradiol, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogs, finasteride or cyproterone acetate, there may be a reduction or cessation of sperm production, however, the variability of the effects of such therapy is such that they cannot be relied upon as a method of contraception. Condoms should be recommended in those patients assigned male at birth engaging in vaginal sex wishing to avoid the risk of pregnancy.
What inter-pregnancy interval is advised? And when is contraception needed?
An inter-pregnancy interval of less than 12 months between childbirth and conceiving again is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight and small for gestational age babies.
After giving birth, women require contraception after day 21.
Can the POP be used post partum and when breastfeeding?
Progestogen-only pill (POP)
the FSRH advise ‘postpartum women (breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding) can start the POP at any time postpartum.’
after day 21 additional contraception should be used for the first 2 days
a small amount of progestogen enters breast milk but this is not harmful to the infant
Can the COCP be used post partum?
Combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)
-absolutely contraindicated - UKMEC 4 - if breastfeeding < 6 weeks post-partum
-UKMEC 2 - if breastfeeding 6 weeks - 6 months postpartum*
the COCP may reduce breast milk production in lactating mothers
should not be used in the first 21 days due to the increased venous thromboembolism risk post-partum
after day 21 additional contraception should be used for the first 7 days
When can coils be inserted post-partum?
The intrauterine device or intrauterine system can be inserted within 48 hours of childbirth or after 4 weeks.
When can contraceptive implant be inserted postpartum?
anytime if not breastfeeding
after 4 weeks if breastfeeding
What is the lactation amenorrhoea method of contraception?
Lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM)
is 98% effective providing the woman is fully breast-feeding (no supplementary feeds), amenorrhoeic and < 6 months post-partum
Can you take the combined oral pill when having surgery?
Oestrogen-containing contraceptives should preferably be discontinued 4 weeks before major elective surgery and all surgery to the legs or surgery which involves prolonged immobilisation of a lower limb. A progestogen-only contraceptive may be offered as an alternative and the oestrogen-containing contraceptive restarted after mobilisation.
What is?
UKMEC 1: a condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method
UKMEC 2: advantages generally outweigh the disadvantages
UKMEC 3: disadvantages generally outweigh the advantages
UKMEC 4: represents an unacceptable health risk
Give 7 examples of UKMEC3 criteria for COCP
IS diabetes UKMEC 3 or 4?
-more than 35 years old and smoking less than 15 cigarettes/day
-BMI > 35 kg/m^2*
-family history of thromboembolic disease in first degree relatives < 45 years
-controlled hypertension
-immobility e.g. wheel chair use
-carrier of known gene mutations associated with breast cancer (e.g. BRCA1/BRCA2)
-current gallbladder disease
Diabetes mellitus diagnosed > 20 years ago is classified as UKMEC 3 or 4 depending on severity
Give 9 examples of UKMEC4 criteria for COCP
-more than 35 years old and smoking more than 15 cigarettes/day
-migraine with aura
-history of thromboembolic disease or thrombogenic mutation
-history of stroke or ischaemic heart disease
-breast feeding < 6 weeks post-partum
-uncontrolled hypertension
-current breast cancer
-major surgery with prolonged immobilisation
-positive antiphospholipid antibodies (e.g. in SLE)
How do you switch COCP?
Switching combined oral contraceptive pills
the BNF and Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) appear to give contradictory advice. The Clinical Effectiveness Unit of the FSRH have stated in the Combined Oral Contraception guidelines that the pill free interval does not need to be omitted (please see link). The BNF however advises missing the pill free interval if the progesterone changes. Given the uncertainty it is best to follow the BNF
COCP in women >40 years
-does this affect bone mineral density?
-DOes this affect menopausal symptoms?
-which COCP may be more suitable for women >40yrs
-COCP use in the perimenopausal period may help to maintain bone mineral density
-OCP use may help reduce menopausal symptoms
-a pill containing < 30 µg ethinylestradiol may be more suitable for women > 40 years
Depot provera in women >40 years
-how does this affect fertility
-does this affect bone mineral density?
women should be advised there may be a delay in the return of fertility of up to 1 year for women > 40 years
use is associated with a small loss in bone mineral density which is usually recovered after discontinuation
How to stop non-hormonal contraception if <50 or if >50.
Women <50 Stop contraception after 2 years of amenorrhoea
Women >=50 Stop contraception after 1 year of amenorrhoea
How long can COCP be used for? What to do after this?
Can be continued to 50 years after which Switch to non-hormonal or progestogen-only method
How long can depo be used for? What to do after this?
Can be continued to 50 years after which switch to either a non-hormonal method and stop after 2 years of amenorrhoea OR switch to a progestogen-only method
How long can Implant, POP, IUS be used for? When can this be stopped?
Can be continued beyond 50 years
If amenorrhoeic check FSH and stop after 1 year if FSH >= 30u/l or stop at 55 years
If not amenorrhoeic consider investigating abnormal bleeding pattern
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) can be used for contraception until the age of 55 if inserted at age 45 or over
When is action required if a traditional POP is missed? (Micronor, Noriday, Nogeston, Femulen)
If less than 3 hours late - no action required, continue as normal
If more than 3 hours late (i.e. more than 27 hours since the last pill was taken) action is required
When is action required if cerazette (desogestrel) is missed?
If less than 12 hours late - no action required, continue as normal
If more than 12 hours late (i.e. more than 36 hours since the last pill was taken) action is required
What is the action required if a POP is missed outwith the window?
-take the missed pill as soon as possible. If more than one pill has been missed just take one pill. Take the next pill at the usual time, which may mean taking two pills in one day
-continue with rest of pack
-UKMEfUKextra precautions (e.g. condoms) should be used until pill taking has been re-established for 48 hours
How does contraception implant (implanon/nexplanon) work? what is the difference?
Both versions slowly releases the progestogen hormone etonogestrel. They are typically inserted in the proximal non-dominant arm, just overlying the tricep. The main mechanism of action is preventing ovulation. They also work by thickening the cervical mucus
Implanon was the original non-biodegradable subdermal contraceptive implant which has been replaced by Nexplanon. From a pharmacological perspective Nexplanon is the same as Implanon. The two main differences are:
-the applicator has been redesigned to try and prevent ‘deep’ insertions (i.e. subcutaneous/intramuscular)
-it is radiopaque and therefore easier to locate if impalpable
Give 4 advantages of contraceptive implant?
-highly effective: failure rate 0.07/100 women-years - it is the most effective form of contraception
-long-acting: lasts 3 years
-doesn’t contain oestrogen so can be used if past history of thromboembolism, migraine etc
-can be inserted immediately following a termination of pregnancy
Give 2 disadvantages of contraceptive implant?
-the need for a trained professional to insert and remove device
-additional contraceptive methods are needed for the first 7 days if not inserted on day 1 to 5 of a woman’s menstrual cycle
What are 2 side effects of contraceptive implant?
-irregular/heavy bleeding is the main problem: this is sometimes managed using a co-prescription of the combined oral contraceptive pill. It should be remembered to do a speculum exam/STI check if the bleeding continues
-‘progestogen effects’: headache, nausea, breast pain
What is the advice for using the contraceptive implant if taking enzyme-inducing drugs/rifampicin
-enzyme-inducing drugs such as certain antiepileptic and rifampicin may reduce the efficacy of Nexplanon
-the FSRH advises that women should be advised to switch to a method unaffected by enzyme-inducing drugs or to use additional contraception until 28 days after stopping the treatment
The FSRH recommend injectable contraceptives as a way of ‘covering’ Nexplanon patients have take enzyme-inducing drugs.
What are 7 UKMEC 3 criteria for contraceptive implant?
UKMEC 3*: ischaemic heart disease/stroke (for continuation, if initiation then UKMEC 2), unexplained, suspicious vaginal bleeding, past breast cancer, severe liver cirrhosis, liver cancer
What is the UKMEC 4 criteria for contraceptive implant?
UKMEC 4**: current breast cancer
How to counsel a patient on COCP? (4 - effectiveness and risks)
-the COC is > 99% effective if taken correctly
-small risk of blood clots
-very small risk of heart attacks and strokes
-increased risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer
How do you start the COCP?
if the COC is started within the first 5 days of the cycle then there is no need for additional contraception. If it is started at any other point in the cycle then alternative contraception should be used (e.g. condoms) for the first 7 days
How is the COCP taken?
should be taken at the same time every day
the COCP is conventionally taken for 21 days then stopped for 7 days - similar uterine bleeding to menstruation. However, there was a major change following the 2019 guidelines. ‘Tailored’ regimes should now be discussed with women. This is because there is no medical benefit from having a withdrawal bleed. Options include never having a pill-free interval or ‘tricycling’ - taking three 21 day packs back-to-back before having a 4 or 7 day break
advice that intercourse during the pill-free period is only safe if the next pack is started on time
What are three situations where COCP effectiveness is reduced?
-if vomiting within 2 hours of taking COC pill
-medication that induce diarrhoea or vomiting may reduce effectiveness of oral contraception (for example orlistat)
-if taking liver enzyme-inducing drugs
What is the mode of action for IUD and IUS?
-IUD: primary mode of action is prevention of fertilisation by causing decreased sperm motility and survival (possibly an effect of copper ions)
-IUS: levonorgestrel prevents endometrial proliferation and causes cervical mucous thickening
Can IUDs be relied on immediately after insertion? How long can you use them for?
-can be relied upon immediately following insertion
-the majority of IUDs with copper on the stem only are effective for 5 years, whereas some of the IUDs that have copper on the stem and the arms of the T may be effective for up to 10 years
Can IUS be relied on immediately after insertion? How long can you used them for for contraception vs for HRT?
-can be relied upon after 7 days
-the most common IUS (i.e. Mirena® - levonorgestrel 20 mcg/24 hrs) is effective for 5 years
-if used as endometrial protection for women taking oestrogen-only hormone replacement therapy they are only licensed for 4 years
What are the 3 risks of IUS?
-the proportion of pregnancies that are ectopic is increased but the absolute number of ectopic pregnancies is reduced, compared to a woman not using contraception
-infection: there is a small increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease in the first 20 days after insertion but after this period the risk returns to that of a standard population
-expulsion: risk is around 1 in 20, and is most likely to occur in the first 3 months
What is Jaydess and how long is it licensed for?
The Jaydess® IUS is licensed for 3 years. It has a smaller frame, narrower inserter tube and less levonorgestrel (LNG) than the Mirena® coil (13.5 mg compared to 52 mg). This results in lower serum levels of LNG.
What is kyleena and how long is it licensed for?
The Kyleena® IUS has 19.5mg LNG and is also smaller than the Mirena® but is licensed for 5 years. It also results in lower serum levels of LNG. The rate of amenorrhoea is less with Kyleena® compared to Mirena®.
when do women require contraception after birth?
After giving birth, women require contraception after day 21.
When can POP be started postpartum? does additional contraception need to be used? Is it safe for pregnancy?
-the FSRH advise ‘postpartum women (breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding) can start the POP at any time postpartum.’
-after day 21 additional contraception should be used for the first 2 days
-a small amount of progestogen enters breast milk but this is not harmful to the infant
Can you used COCP if breast feeding? Can you used COCP in the first 21 days postpartum? How long do you need to use additional contraception for after 21 days postpartum?
-absolutely contraindicated - UKMEC 4 - if breastfeeding < 6 weeks post-partum
-UKMEC 2 - if breastfeeding 6 weeks - 6 months postpartum*
-the COCP may reduce breast milk production in lactating mothers
-should not be used in the first 21 days due to the increased venous thromboembolism risk post-partum
-after day 21 additional contraception should be used for the first 7 days
What are the advantages of COCP?
-?long term effects?
-cancer risks
-highly effective (failure rate < 1 per 100 woman years)
-doesn’t interfere with sex
-contraceptive effects reversible upon stopping
-usually makes periods regular, lighter and less painful
-reduced risk of ovarian, endometrial cancer this effect may last for several decades after cessation
-reduced risk of colorectal cancer
-may protect against pelvic inflammatory disease
-may reduce ovarian cysts, benign breast disease, acne vulgaris
What are 6 disadvantages of the COCP
-people may forget to take it
-offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections
-increased risk of venous thromboembolic disease
-increased risk of breast and cervical cancer
-increased risk of stroke and ischaemic heart disease (especially in smokers)
-temporary side-effects such as headache, nausea, breast tenderness may be seen
Mechanism of action for the below contraceptive pills?
Combined oral contraceptive pill
Progestogen-only pill (excluding desogestrel)
Desogestrel-only pill
Combined oral contraceptive pill Inhibits ovulation
Progestogen-only pill (excluding desogestrel) Thickens cervical mucus
Desogestrel-only pill Primary: Inhibits ovulation
Also: thickens cervical mucus
What is the mechanism of action for contraceptive injection / implant
Injectable contraceptive (medroxyprogesterone acetate) Primary: Inhibits ovulation
Also: thickens cervical mucus
Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)
Primary: Inhibits ovulation
Also: thickens cervical mucus
What is the mechanism of action of IUS / IUD?
Intrauterine contraceptive device Decreases sperm motility and survival
Intrauterine system (levonorgestrel) Primary: Prevents endometrial proliferation
Also: Thickens cervical mucus
What are the three methods of emergency contraception and what is there mechanism of action?
Levonorgestrel Inhibits ovulation
Ulipristal Inhibits ovulation
Intrauterine contraceptive device Primary: Toxic to sperm and ovum
Also: Inhibits implantation
How long does it take for:
to become effective if not started on day 1 of the menstrual cycle?
instant: IUD
2 days: POP
7 days: COC, injection, implant, IUS
What is the most common problem with POP?
Potential adverse effects
irregular vaginal bleeding is the most common problem
How to switch from COC to POP?
if switching from a combined oral contraceptive (COC) gives immediate protection if continued directly from the end of a pill packet (i.e. Day 21)
When switching from a traditional POP to COCP (with correct prior use) 7 days of barrier contraception is needed
What needs to be done if 1 COCP is missed?
If 1 pill is missed (at any time in the cycle)
take the last pill even if it means taking two pills in one day and then continue taking pills daily, one each day
no additional contraceptive protection needed
What may reduce the effectiveness of POP? Do antibiotics reduced effectiveness?
-diarrhoea and vomiting: continue taking POP but assume pills have been missed - see above
-antibiotics: have no effect on the POP
-liver enzyme inducers may reduce the effectiveness
What needs to be done if 2 COCPs are missed?
-in general
-in week 1
-in week 2
-in week 3
take the last pill even if it means taking two pills in one day, leave any earlier missed pills and then continue taking pills daily, one each day
the women should use condoms or abstain from sex until she has taken pills for 7 days in a row. FSRH: ‘This advice may be overcautious in the second and third weeks, but the advice is a backup in the event that further pills are missed’
if pills are missed in week 1 (Days 1-7): emergency contraception should be considered if she had unprotected sex in the pill-free interval or in week 1
if pills are missed in week 2 (Days 8-14): after seven consecutive days of taking the COC there is no need for emergency contraception
if pills are missed in week 3 (Days 15-21): she should finish the pills in her current pack and start a new pack the next day; thus omitting the pill free interval
How is the contraceptive injection given?
Depo Provera is the main injectable contraceptive used in the UK*. It contains medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg. It is given via in intramuscular injection every 12 weeks. It can however be given up to 14 weeks after the last dose without the need for extra precautions**
what are the disadvantages of contraceptive injection?
Disadvantages include the fact that the injection cannot be reversed once given. There is also a potential delayed return to fertility (maybe up to 12 months
-Irregular bleeding
-weight gain
-may potentially increased risk of osteoporosis: should only be used in adolescents if no other method of contraception is suitable
What is the contraindication to the contraceptive injection?
breast cancer: current breast cancer is UKMEC 4, past breast cancer is UKMEC 3
What hormonal therapy can be given for pre-menstrual symptoms?
what is Qlaira and how is this taken?
Qlaira is a combination of estradiol valerate (as opposed to the usual ethinylestradiol) and dienogest. It has a quadraphasic dosage regimen which is designed to give optimal cycle control. Users take a pill everyday of a 28 day cycle, with 26 of the pills containing estradiol +/- dienogest and 2 of the pills being inactive. During the cycle the dose of estradiol is gradually reduced and that of dienogest is increased.
What are 3 disadvantages for Qlaira?
-cost: currently £8.39 per month, which is considerably more than some standard COCPs which can cost < 70p per month
-limited safety data to date. For the time being the FSRH suggest using standard COCP UKMEC critera
-there are different missed pill rules for Qlaira
what contraception is most appropriate for women with migraine?
The COCP is contraindicated (i.e. UKMEC 4) in patients with a history of migraine with aura. For patients who have migraines without aura the recommendation by the FSRH is that the COCP is UKMEC 3 for continued prescribing and UKMEC 2 for initiation. Progestogen only methods such as the progestogen-only pill (POP), implant and injection are UKMEC 2 and are hence better choices.
what contraception is most appropriate for women with epilepsy?
Contraception for patients with epilepsy:
UKMEC 3: pills
UKMEC 2: implant
UKMEC 1: Depo-Provera, IUD, IUS
what is co-cyprindiol licensed for? What is the risk?
Co-cyprindiol is licensed for the following conditions:
severe acne in women refractory to prolonged oral antibacterial therapy moderately severe hirsuitism
The current evidence shows the VTE risk to be about 1.5-2.0 times.
Female sterilisation
-What is the failure rate?
-Is this done a day case?
-what are the complications?
-Can this be reversed?
failure rate: 1 per 200*
usually done by laparoscopy under general anaesthetic
generally done as a day case
many different techniques involving clips (e.g. Filshie clips) , blockage, rings (Falope rings) and salpingectomy
complications: increased risk of ectopic if sterilisation fails, general complications of GA/laparoscopy
the current success rate of female sterilisation reversal is between 50-60%