Women, the gender gap Flashcards
un monde dominé par les hommes
a male-dominated-world
être susceptible de
to be likely to
de peur
lest/ for fear
acquérir une expérience de travail préciseuse
to gain valuable work experience
discrimination positive
positive discrimination (GB)/ affirmative action (US)
Lois de parités
Parity laws
une solution de rapprochement pour l’écart grandissant entre homme et femme
a solution to narrow the bridging gender gap
favorable à la famille
convivial/ facile à utiliser
user friendly
remplir son devoir familial
to fulfill his family duties
faire des heures supplémentaires
to do overtime
recevoir un traitement de faveur
to be given a preferential treatment
to advocate
responsabilisation des femmes
women empowerment
quotas (garantissant la parité) des genres
gender quotas
jongler/ trouver un équilibre entre famille et travail
to juggle/balance/combine (a1) work and (a1) family
to squander/ waiste
un problème compliqué
a tangled problem/ tricky issue
Faire de son mieux pour
to strive to do something
wise/ sensible/ responsible
to turn something down
récolter les fruits (du travail)
to rap the rewards/ to harvest the fruits
le CA d’une entreprise
company board
le PDG
the CEO (chief executive officer)
gravir les échelons (entreprise)
to climb the corporate ladder
un machiste
a male chauvinist
le plafond de verre
the glass ceiling
harcèlement sexuel
sexual harassment
le manque de Mentors
the lack of Mentors/ role models
les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes
gender imbalance
préjugés sexistes
sexist prejudices
to become emancipated
rendre les femmes autonome
to empower women
Who and when was written Le Deuxième sexe ?
What is it about ? Famous quote ?
written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949
It’s a major feminist work providing the basis between sex (characteristics) and gender (identity acquired)
“One is not born a woman, one becomes one”
mariage blanc
a sham marriage/ a marriage of convinience
un polygam
a polygamous
female circumcision/ female genital mutilation
une femme battue
a battered wife
violence conjugale
domestic violence
être privé du droit de vote
to be disenfranchised
Which country first gave the right to vote to women ? When ?
What about France/ the UK/ the US ?
New Zealand 1893
UK 1918
US 1920
France 1944
les femmes en âge d’avoir un enfant
women of childbearing age
prendre la pilule (contraceptive)
to be on the (contraceptive) pill
partir en congé maternité/ congé parental
to go on maternity leave/ parental leave/ to take career break
élever un enfant
to raise a child/ to bring up a child
l’éducation des enfants
child rearing/parenting / the upbringing of children
les enfants d’âge scolaire
school-age children
What does Ms means ? {miz}
it is used instead of Miss or Mrs before the last name of women whatever their marital status
It has existed since the 18th century but has been currently used since the 1970’s.
Ms is also the name of an american feminist magazine
femme au foyer
housewife/ homemaker
faire le ménage/ la cuisine/ la lessive/ la vaisselle/ les courses
passer l’aspirateur
to do the housework/ the cooking/ the washing/ the washing-up/ the shopping
to do the vacuuming
les appareils ménagers
the domestic appliances
ls tâches ménagères
the household chores
être confronté à un dilemme
to be face with a dilemma
une crèche une garderie
a nursery/ day-care center (GB)/ child-care center
une assistante maternelle
a chilminder
être financièrement dépendant de qn
to be financially dependent on sbdy
subvenir aux besoins de sa famille
to support one’s family
être celui qui fait vivre sa famille
to be the breadwinner
faire bouillir la marmite
to bring home the bacon
How much of the workforce do women make up in GB ?
They make up 50% of the workforce
faire (réussir sa) carrière
to have a (succesful) career
une femme qui fait carrière
a career woman
l’égalité des salaires
the equal pay
What is The Equal pay act in the US ?
law voted in 1963 which make it illegal to underpay a woman who has the same skills as a man for a certain job
How much on average women are underpaid than men of ?
They are paid on average 17% less than men
être en compétition avec les hommes
to compete with men
un emploi de haut niveau/ un emploi subalterne
a top job / a menial job
les obstacles à la promotion des femmes
the barriers to women advancement
l’égalité des chance
equal opportunity
égalitaire / égalitarisme
egalitarian / egalitarianism
atteindre l’égalité avec les hommes
to achieve equality with men
How has the situation evolved in the past few decades
Is the legislation the solution to the gender gap ?
How do you get men to change their attitudes to gender roles ?
d’après les mentalités
according to people’s mindsets
according to people’s attitudes to stg
la condition féminine
women’s status/ position/ role
avec l’avènement de
with the advent of
femmes engagées
women committed to doing stg
faire bouger les choses
to shake things up
peurs fondées
well-founded fears
ce dernier
the latter
ce premier
the former