Racism- a colour-blind society Flashcards
répandre des théories racistes
to spread racist theories
les préjugés raciaux
racial bias/prjudice
être métis
to be mixed-race
Quel amendement de la Constitution américaine fut un argument de la lutte des années 60/70 ?
The fourteenth amendment of the US Constitution (1868)
Provides a broad definition of citizenship including slaves and their descendants
to dismantle
supprimer la segregation raciale dans les écoles
to desegregate school
Que signifie Apartheid ?
Apartheid means separateness in Afrikaans = system of racial segregation implanted in S.A (1948-1994)
abolir l’escavage
to do away with/ to abolish slavery
le commerce des esclaves
slave trade
What were the segregation law in the US ?
The Jim Crow laws were adopted in 1876 in the South of the US claiming to defend a “separate but equal” status for black people
étroit d’esprit/ borné
propager la haine
to propagate hatred
incitation à la haine raciale
incitement to racial hatred
des propos racistes
hate speech
agression à caractère racial
racist attack/ racially motivated attack
tensions raciales
racial tensions
alimenter des tensions
to fuel tensions
About the Civil Right movement ?
Started in 1950’s –> 1970’s
A non-violent protest movement aiming to put an end to segregation and discriminations against African Americans (Civil disobedience/ boycotts/ sits-in and protest marches)
March 1963: “I have a dream”Martin Luther King
1964: Civil Rights Act Outlaws racial segregation invalidating Jim Crow laws
Malcom X, Rosa Parks
un juif
a Jew
profaner une tombe
to desecrate a grave
le négationisme
to deny
un bouc émissaire
a scapegoat
les relations interaciales
race relations
discrimination raciale
racial discrimination/ the colour bar
être victime d’une discrimination
to be discriminated against
What is White Supremacy ?
It’s the belief that white people are superior to other and leads anti-black and anti-semitism
What is Nativism ?
It’s the belief that interest of certain interests of certain established inhabitants of an area or nation must be favored over the claims of newcomers or immigrants who are considered hostile or alien to native culture.
What is KKK ?
Ku Klux Klan (founded in 1865) by Tennessee veterans of the Confederate army.
Its purpose is to restore white supremacy in the wake of the American Civil War.
It preached racism/ anti-Catholicism/ anti-Communism/ anti-Semitism.
4 million in the mid 1920’s–> 30.000 since 1930
Afro-American/ African-American
une société multiculturelle/ multiraciale
a multicultural/ multiracial society
mariage mixte
a mixed marriage
un ghetto
a ghetto
une minorité ethnique
an ethnic minority
proscrire/ déclarer hors la loi
to outlaw
discrimination positive
positive discrimination affirmative action (US)
What is the NAACP ?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909): one of the most influential civil rights organizations in the USA.
They want to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination.
sans discrimination racial
quelque soit la race
regardless of race
délit de faciès
racial profiling
What does Driving while black means ?
An other way of referring to what the French call “délit de faciès” it’s an allusion to “driving while intoxicated” –> implies that being black is a crime
contrôle d’identité
identity check
se sentir exclu
to fell alienated/ excluded
une société à deux vitesses
a two-tier society
des citoyens de seconde zone
second-class citizens
What is the British National Party ?
A far-right political party in the UK which won two seats in the European Parliament in June 2009. It has an openly racist ideology an actively opposes non-white immigration to Britain. They perceive Islam as the main Threat to GB.
subir un préjudice
to suffer a wrong
réparer une injustice
to right a wrong
s’excuser auprès de quelqu’un
to apologize to sb
to seize
faire les gros titres
to hit the headlines
témoignages contradictoires
contradictory testimonies
émettre/ faire paraître
to realease
une tribune/ un éditorial
a biased article
an opinion column
to quell
s’occuper de/ manipuler
to handle
un témoin visuel
an eye witness
se rendre
to surrender
être blindé
to be bulletproof
faire une gaffe
to make a blunder
to blunder
être critique à l’égard de
to be critical of
clamer des slogans
to chant slogans
to submit
entacher la réputation de quelqu’un
to stain/ to tarnish one’s name
Afficher/ faire preuve de
to display
to ransack
faire quelque chose en représaille
to do stg in retaliation for stg
exercer des représailles
to retaliate
se faire justice soit-même
to take the law into your hands
campagne diffamatoire
smear campaign
dissimuler/ retenir
to withhold
être sensible aux problèmes de type racial
to be sensitive to racial issues
avoir des préjugés envers qlq
to be prejudiced/ biased against sb
étouffer une affaire
to cover up/ hush up an affair
jurer/ promettre
to vow
to swear/ to promise
to pledge
fermer les yeux sur quelque chose
to turn a blind eye to stg
Prendre des mesures
to take mesures/actions
Une atteinte à la liberté d’expression
an infringement of freedom of speech
Accuser quelqu’un de crime
to indict/ charge sby with a crime
to accuse sby of a cime
trouver un compromis
to reach a compromise
quartier général
fournir qlqc à qlqn
to supply/provide sby with stg