Women's civil rights - political campaign 1960-1992 Flashcards
when + What is NOW?
The National Organisation for Women (1966)
- NOW brought legal action against employers who broke (1967) executive order 11375 against sex discrimination by companies with federal contracts.
What was the report on american women?
* study commissioned by Kennedy, was worked on by highly educated women.
* highlighted the statistics of unequality amongst women
* This recommended the Equal Pay act which was passed in (1963)
What is
(WEAL) ?
- They brought action against 300 schools and colleges that discriminated against women.
- Rejected NOW’s support for abortion reform,
How did ERA become more militant?
- (1972) 20,000 women striked, calling for full equality.
What is Nixon’s silent majority (1969-74)?
- Large Conservative middle class who opposed social change.
- The move towards conservatism led by Reagan, was able to prevent the ERA being ratified.
What was the political movement of the 1970s and 80s?
- 80,000-100,000 women participated in some kind of women’s group in the 70s.
- The social agenda was wider, health, abortion, marriage, divorce, sexuality and rights for older and working women.
What was the economic inequality of women stats?
wages post 50s
- Female wages were
63% of men’s in 1956
56% of mens in 1973. - no tax relief for children until 1977
What was the situation by 1992 - econ + political position?
e.g sc judge woman
- Despite the equal pay act 1963, women were paid 32% less than men.
- It was not until 1981 that a women was appointed to the supreme court - Sandra Day O’Conner.
What are the statistics of women in the House of Representatives and Senate?
- (HoR) never rose above 6% at the end of the period - women never truly represented
- Number of female senators maxed out at 4 out of 100.
what was the Equal Rights amendment
- proposed in (1923)
- would explicitly prohibit sexual discrimination
- Passed congress In (1972) - ratified by 35/38 states needed
percentage of unmarried women employed by 1870
Shepard tower act
(1921) - provided day care centres
- repealed In 1929