Women, Development, and the World Flashcards
refers to an awareness and understanding of the ways in which gender roles, norms, and expectations shape the experiences and opportunities of individuals and groups
Gender Sensitivity
involves recognizing that gender is a social construct that affects all aspects of life, including education, work, health, and politics
Gender Sensitivity
involves being aware of the ways in which gender intersects with other forms of identity and inequality, such as race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality
Gender Sensitivity
involves being mindful of the ways in which gender shapes our interactions with others and our perceptions of the world around us
Gender Sensitivity
using gender-inclusive language, challenging gender stereotypes and biases, and creating inclusive environments that promote gender equality and respect for all individuals
Gender Sensitivity
helps to promote gender equality and empower individuals and groups who have historically been marginalized or excluded based on their gender
Gender Sensitivity
(3) Efforts to Promote Gender Sensitivity
- training and education programs for individuals and organizations
- policy and programmatic changes that promote gender equality and respect for diversity
- public awareness campaigns that challenge harmful gender stereotypes and biases
a complex and multifaceted issue that encompasses a range of social, economic, and political factors
Women, Development, and the World
have faced significant challenges and barriers to achieving equality and empowerment in many societies around the world historically
one of the key ways in which women have been empowered
access to education
can help to break down gender stereotypes and promote more equitable attitudes towards women
(3) Unique Health Challenges Face by Women
- maternal mortality
- sexual and reproductive health issues
- gender-based violence
can improve women’s overall health and well-being, and enable them to participate more fully in social, economic, and political life
providing access to healthcare
(3) Range of other Interventions that can Promote Women’s Development
- microfinance programs
- women’s entrepreneurship initiatives
- legal and policy reforms that promote gender equality
Significant Challenges Faced by Women in Work
- accessing formal employment
- achieving equal pay for equal work
- advancing to leadership positions in the workplace
one of the key factors that has helped to promote gender equality in the workplace
increasing participation of women in the labor force
Factors that Drive Women’s Participation in the Labor Force
- changing social attitudes towards women’s roles
- improvements in education and access to training
- the need for two-income households
Key Challenges Faced by Woman in Work
- discrimination in hiring and promotion
- gender-based harassment and violence
- limited access to training and development opportunities
“double burden” of women make it difficult to advance in the workplace
balancing work and caregiving responsibilities
Efforts to Promote Women’s Participation in the Workforce
- paid parental leave
- flexible work arrangements
- gender quotas for leadership positions
women’s labor force participation rate
men’s labor force participation rate
wage gap of women from men even when controlling for factors such as education and experience
women - 16% less than men
more likely to be employed in the informal sector where they often have limited social protections and are more vulnerable to exploitation
percentage of managerial positions hold by women globally
unpaid care work performed by women
childcare & household chores
less common and tend to be smaller businesses
women-owned businesses
disproportionately affected women’s employment
sectors that have been hardest hit where women more likely to work
hospital & retail
a critical factor in promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality
enables women to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies that can help them to participate more fully in social, economic, and political life
access to education
global literacy rate for women aged 15 and above
global literacy rate for men
(3) Factors that Contribute to Gender Disparities in Access to Education
- poverty
- child marriage
- cultural attitudes toward girls’ education
course where women were particularly underrepresented
Economic Benefits of Education for Women
- increased participation in the labor force
- higher wages
- improved health outcomes
- greater decision-making power within their families and communities
- improved economic security for themselves and their families
Efforts to Promote Women’s Education
- providing free primary education
- promoting girls’ enrollment and retention in school
- addressing barriers to education such as child marriage and poverty
percentage of girls enrolled in primary education globally
percentage of boys enrolled in primary education globally
percentage of girls enrolled in secondary education globally
percentage of boys enrolled in secondary education globally
percentage of women enrolled in STEM fields globally
Social Benefits of Education for Women
- improved health outcomes
- increased decision-making power within their families and communities
- reduced vulnerability to gender-based violence
Women’s Unique Reproductive Health Needs
- menstrual health
- contraception
- preconception care
- pregnancy
- childbirth
- menopause
(4) Essentials for Maintaining Reproductive Health
- Regular gynecological exams
- Pap smears
- breast exams
- screenings for sexually transmitted infections
Essentials for Maintaining Reproductive Health
- Regular gynecological exams
- Pap smears
- breast exams
- screenings for sexually transmitted infections
Significant Events in a Woman’s Life
pregnancy & childbirth
Crucial for Both the Mother and Baby’s Well-being
- ensuring access to prenatal care
- proper nutrition
- exercise
- emotional support
monitor the mother’s physical and mental recovery after childbirth
Postpartum Care
(3) play a crucial role in early detection and treatment of breast cancer
- self-breast examinations
- clinical breast exams
- mammograms
leading cause of death among women
Heart Disease
(5) Important for Cardiovascular Health
- regular check-ups
- maintaining a healthy weight
- exercising
- managing stress
- not smoking
(3) Mental Health Conditions Susceptible to Women
- depression
- anxiety
- eating disorders
(3) Contribute to Mental Health Challenges
- hormonal changes during different stages of life
- societal pressures
- various life stressors
(2) Essential for Maintaining Mental Well-being
- seeking professional help
- building a strong support system
a condition characterized by weakened bones
(3) Help Prevent or Manage Osteoporosis
- adequate calcium and vitamin D intake
- weight-bearing exercises
- regular bone density screenings
(3) Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights
- access to contraception,
- safe abortion services
- comprehensive sexual education
(2) Vital Aspects of Women’s Health
- advocacy for reproductive rights
- addressing gender inequalities
(3) Violence Against Women that has severe physical and psychological consequences
- domestic violence
- sexual assault
- female genital mutilation
(3) Critical for Addressing Violence Against Women
- ensuring women’s safety
- providing support services
- promoting gender equality
number of women died during pregnancy and childbirth in 2017 (WHO)
approximately 295,000
accounted for approximately 86% of global maternal deaths in 2017
Sub-Saharan Africa & Southern Asia
global maternal deaths in 2017 in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia
approximately 86%
at higher risk of complications and death related to pregnancy and childbirth
adolescent girls under the age of 15
number of women of reproductive age who want to avoid pregnancy that are not using modern contraceptive globally
estimated 214 million
contribute to maternal morbidity and mortality
unsafe abortions
number of unsafe abortions that are estimated to occur annually, predominantly in low-income countries
approximately 25 million
leading causes of death among women worldwide
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs):
* cardiovascular diseases
* cancers
* diabetes
* chronic respiratory diseases
percentage of female deaths globally where NCDs are accounted for in 2017
approximately 62%
leading cause of disability among women globally
women living with HIV globally in 2019
approximately 19.3 million - 48% of all adult
disproportionately affected by HIV with higher infection rates compared to their male counterparts
young women aged 15-24 years old
women that have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, often perpetrated by an intimate partner globally
1 in 3 women
increases the risk of adverse health outcomes for women
Intimate Partner Violence
(3) Risk of Adverse Health Outcomes for Women Caused by an Intimate Partners
- physical injuries
- mental health disorders
- increased vulnerability to HIV infection
most common cancer among women worldwide
Breast Cancer
new cases of breast cancer that were diagnosed globally in 2020
estimated 2.3 million
(4) Efforts to Improve Women’s Health
- addressing socio-cultural factors
- promoting access to quality healthcare services
- ensuring reproductive rights
- addressing gender inequalities.
violates women’s fundamental human rights, including the rights to life, security, dignity, equality, and freedom from discrimination
Violence Against Women
perpetuates gender inequality and undermines efforts towards gender equity and women’s empowerment
Violence Against Women
(5) Forms of Violence Against Women
- physical violence
- sexual violence
- emotional violence
- psychological violence
- economic and cultural discrimination
(5) Different Settings where VAW occurs
- families
- intimate relationships
- communities
- workplaces
- during armed conflicts
(7) Common Forms of Violence Against Women
- domestic violence
- sexual assault and rape
- human trafficking
- female genital mutilation
- honor killings
- forced marriages
- harassment in public spaces
(4) Acts that Drive VAW
- power imbalances
- patriarchal attitudes
- cultural norms
- deeply entrenched gender inequalities
(4) Efforts to Address Violence Against Women
- legal measures
- social interventions
- educational programs
- awareness campaigns
(3) play a crucial role in advocating for policy reforms
- civil society organizations
- women’s rights activists
- international bodies
(4) Works of VAW
- challenge harmful gender stereotypes
- promote gender-sensitive education
- empower women economically
- foster a culture of respect and gender equality.
Root Causes of VAW
gender inequality & harmful social norms
(2) Comprehensive Approach to Eliminate VAW
- engaging men and boys as allies in the fight against violence
- promoting healthy and respectful relationships
women that has experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime globally
1 in 3 women
prevalence of VAW in some countries
exceeding 70%
women has experienced sexual violence at some point in their lives worldwide
1 in 5 women
women that have experienced sexual violence perpetrated by someone other than an intimate partner
approximately 35%
refers to the intentional killing of women based on their gender
women that are killed every day globally by a family member or intimate partner
137 women (estimated)
(2) Causes of Femicide
- domestic violence
- dowry-related disputes
percentage of women and girls in all victims of human trafficking
about 72%
most common form of trafficking for women
sexual exploitation
affects over 200 million girls and women in 31 countries, primarily in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
number of girls and women affected by FGM in 31 countries
over 200 million
girls married before the age of 18 each year
estimated 12 million
women has experienced some form of sexual harassment at work globally
1 in 3 women
(4) Factors that Prevent Survivors of VAW from Seeking Help or Justice
- underreporting
- social stigma
- legal barriers
- fear of reprisal
(4) Efforts to Combat Violence Against Women
- addressing the immediate impact on survivors
- working to change societal norms
- promote gender equality
- create safe and supportive environments for women to thrive
percentage of ever-married Filipino women aged 15-49 that have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence from their current or most recent partner in 2017 (NDHS)
approximately 26%
National Demographic and Health Survey
reported cases of violence against women from 2010-2019 (PNP)
281,258 cases
reported cases of rape in 2020 (PSA)
14,895 cases
ever-married women aged 15-49 that have experienced sexual violence by their current or most recent partner in 2017 (NDHS)
reported cases of online gender-based violence in the Philippines from 2016-2020 (FMA)
271 cases
Foundation for Media Alternatives
women in the country have experienced some form of online harassment or violence reported by University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies
7 in 10 women
cases of human trafficking with the majority of victims being women and children reported by PH Gov’t’s IACAT from 2014-2020
8,422 cases
is still not explicitly criminalized in the Philippines, which poses challenges in accurately capturing statistics on this specific form of violence
Marital Rape
(5) Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during Armed Conflict
- rape
- sexual slavery
- forced prostitution
- sexual mutilation
- other forms of sexual violence
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
- armed forces
- militias
- civilians
often used as a weapon of war to intimidate, demoralize, and exert control over communities
Sexual Violence
exposes women to heightened risks of violence, exploitation, and human trafficking
(3) Factors that Make Women and Girls Vulnerable in Refugee Camps or Temporary Shelters
- inadequate security
- limited access to healthcare
- poor sanitation facilities
(3) Essential Services that Armed Conflict Disrupts
- healthcare
- education
- clean water sanitation
(3) Critical Roles Played by Women in Armed Conflict
- peacebuilding
- conflict resolution
- post-conflict reconstruction
emphasize the importance of women’s participation and protection in conflict affected areas
International frameworks, such as United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security
seats in national parliaments worldwide held by women as of 2021 according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
average of 25%
(3) countries having the highest proportions of women in parliament
- Rwanda
- Bolivia
- Cuba
(4) Barriers and Challenges Faced by Women When Entering and Progressing in Political Careers
- gender bias
- discriminatory norms
- limited access to resources and networks
- violence and harassment
(2) often reinforce traditional gender roles, which can discourage women from pursuing political leadership positions
- stereotypes
- cultural expectations
(5) Intersecting Factors that Influence Experiences and Challenges Faced by Women in Politics
- race
- ethnicity
- socio-economic status
- disability
- sexual orientation
often face additional barriers and discrimination, limiting their representation and opportunities in political spheres
women from marginalized groups
leads to more inclusive decision-making processes and policies suggested by research
increased women’s representation in politics
(5) Issues Prioritized by Women in Power
- gender equality
- education
- healthcare
- social welfare
- peacebuilding
can enhance governance effectiveness and strengthen democracy
diverse and gender-balanced legislatures
Measures to Promote Women’s Political Participation
- quotas
- gender mainstreaming policies
- gender-sensitive electoral systems
seats held by women in the House of Representatives as of 2019 elections (PH)
86/304 seats - approximately 28% of the total seats
women in the Senate as of the 2021 (PH)
7/24 senators - approximately 29% of the seats
(2) Female Pres. of PH History
- Corazon Aquino - 11th Pres. (1986-1992)
- Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo - 14th Pres. (2001-2010)
mandates the reservation of at least one-third of all seats for women in local legislative councils in the PH
Local Government Code of 1991
elective local government positions, including mayors, vice-mayors, and council members held by women as of 2019
around 33%
promotes women’s participation and representation in decision-making bodies, including political and public life
Magna Carta of Women enacted in 2009
(4) Barriers that Hinder Women’s Political Participation
- traditional gender roles
- limited access to resources
- gender-based violence and harassment
- cultural norms
(3) Efforts that Address Challenges in Women’s Political Participation
- awareness campaigns
- capacity-building programs
- promotion of gender-responsive governance
refers to the unequal treatment, prejudice, and disadvantages faced by girls solely based on their gender
discrimination against the girl-child
occurs across various aspects of life and can manifest in different ways
discrimination against the girl-child
a violation of human rights and a significant form of discrimination
Child Marriage
denies girls the opportunity to pursue education, exposes them to health risks, perpetuates cycles of poverty, and limits their overall development and empowerment
Child Marriage
(4) Effects Faced by Girls in Discrimination in Health and Nutrition
- inadequate healthcare
- malnutrition
- higher child mortality rates
- limited access to reproductive health services
(3) Economic Opportunities Limit by Gender Discrimination
- employment
- entrepreneurship
- financial resources
(5) Crucial Steps Toward Achieving A More Equitable and Inclusive Society
- promoting gender equality
- implementing and enforcing laws that protect girls’ rights
- improving access to education and healthcare
- challenging harmful cultural practices
- empowering girls to voice their needs and aspirations
contributes to the conservation and preservation of the environment
women’s knowledge of local ecosystems and sustainable practices
(3) natural resources where women are often primary caregivers and responsible for managing
- water
- fuelwood
- agriculture
play a crucial role in agricultural production and food security, especially in rural areas
(3) contributions of women in agriculture and food security
- farming
- food processing
- household nutrition
(3) climate change impacts that can have direct implications for women’s livelihoods and food security
- extreme weather events
- changing rainfall patterns
- reduced crop yields
(3) significant health consequences for women
- exposure to indoor air pollution from cooking fuels
- waterborne diseases due to inadequate sanitation
- chemical exposures in certain occupations
(2) have adverse health effects on women
- environmental degradation
- pollution
(3) Environmental Activism and Leadership by Women
- conservation
- sustainable development
- climate justice
Women’s leadership in environmental movements brings _____ (3)
- diverse perspectives
- knowledge
- approaches to address environmental challenges
(5) can contribute to more effective and inclusive environmental policies and practices
- recognizing the importance of gender equality in environmental sustainability
- empowering women through education
- economic opportunities
- access to resources
- decision-making roles
(3) Women’s Experience During and After Disasters
- limited mobility
- face higher risks of violence and exploitation
- have specific health needs
major concerns in disaster situations
women’s health and safety
(3) people that require specialized support and access to reproductive healthcare services
- pregnant women
- new mothers
- women with specific healthcare needs
(3) factors that further exacerbate health risks for women in disaster-affected areas
- inadequate sanitation facilities
- lack of privacy
- limited access to hygiene products
often lead to forced displacement with women and girls comprising a significant proportion of displaced populations
Women face heightened risks of _____, ____, and _____ in camps and temporary shelters.
- sexual and gender-based violence
- trafficking
- exploitation
Gender-Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction
recognizing and addressing the:
* specific needs
* capacities
* vulnerabilities of women, girls, and marginalized groups
(4) agents of change in disaster management
- promoting gender equality
- improving access to education and healthcare
- strengthening women’s leadership
- empowering women
(3) vital roles played by women in indigenous communities
- preserving cultural heritage
- sustaining traditional knowledge
- contributing to community well-being
often serve as custodians of cultural traditions, passing down knowledge, language, rituals, and traditional practices to younger generations
indigenous women
(3) essential roles played by indigenous women
- preserving cultural identity
- maintaining connections to ancestral lands
- ensuring the continuity of indigenous cultures
(3) Participation of Indigenous Women in Community Leadership
- decision-making processes contribute to governance structures
- advocate for the rights and interests of their communities
possess by indigenous women that encompasses deep understandings of ecosystems, natural resources, and sustainable practices
traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)
(4) diverse livelihood activities that sustain communities
- subsistence farming
- artisanal crafts
- gathering medicinal plants
- maintaining traditional industries
(5) challenges faced by indigenous women
- discrimination
- marginalization
- poverty
- limited access to education and healthcare
- violence
(4) Advocacy of Indigenous Women
- indigenous rights
- land rights
- self-determination
- social justice
(3) Issues Highlighted in Local, National, and International activism of Indigenous Women
- environmental protection
- cultural rights
- rights of indigenous women and girls
(4) efforts to support and empower women in indigenous communities
- respecting and valuing their traditional knowledge and roles
- promoting gender equality and inclusivity
- addressing systemic inequalities
- engaging in collaborative partnerships that center indigenous women’s voices and leadership
(4) key Considerations for Addressing Gender-Specific Concerns and Promoting Gender Equality in Disaster management and Response
- Ensuring the active participation of women in decision-making processes and integrating a gender perspective into disaster risk reduction strategies.
- Providing gender-responsive humanitarian assistance, including safe spaces for women, access to reproductive health services, and psychosocial support.
- Recognizing and supporting the roles and contributions of women in disaster resilience, including their traditional knowledge, caregiving responsibilities, and community leadership.
- Strengthening women’s access to education, economic opportunities, and resources to enhance their resilience and capacity to cope with and recover from disasters
(3) significant contributions of women in education
- research
- teaching
- advancing educational policies and reforms
(3) industries where woman achieved success
- technology
- fashion
- hospitality