WMM Flashcards
What is the working memory model
Extension of STM from ATIKINSON + SHIFFRIN MSM, BADDELEY + HITCH’s created an alternative model of STM called the WMM.
TS memory has several components which include modality based stores + a central executive (CE) that controls them,
all components are limited in capacity + duration
What is the central executive role
in control of attention, planning, coordination,
inhibits unwanted info
Evidence to support Central executive’s role
BADDELEY ’96: asked pts to generate random digit strings while reciting the alphabet + measured how random lists were. Found lists became incr. less random when alternating between alphabet + digits as both are competing for the same CE resources. ALSO, less random sequences like ABC, ITV or 1,2,3 must be constantly inhibited by CE for pts to generate random list. TS idea of CE being the control center of the WMM + demonstrates one of its functions of inhibiting unwanted info.
What is the role of the phonological loop
temporary storage system for verbal info held in speech based form
2 components;
-Articulatory Control System (‘inner voice’) rehearses info verbally + time based capacity ~2s
-Phonological Store (‘inner ear’) uses sound base code to store info but decays after ~2s unless it is rehearsed by ACS
Evidence to support the role of phonological loop
BADDELEY ’75: word length effect- memory span for 1 syllable words greater than for 5 syllable words. TMBB as the no syllables incr, the % of words recalled correctly decr. (5 syl = 55%, 1 syl = 90%). Reading speed also decr. TS capacity of PL is time based
COLLE + WELSH: in English speakers, immediate recall of digits is impaired when accompanied by sound of someone reading german. TS unattended phonological material gains access to the phonological loop and interferes with recall of digits
What is the role of the Visual spatial sketchpad
temporary storage system for visual + spatial info,
2 components;
-Inner Scribe = responsible for manipulating mental images
-Visual Cache = responsible for visual + spatial info
Evidence to support the role of the visual spatial sketch pad
BADDELEY ’73: gave pts tracing task + imaginary task + found pts performance = poor. TS VSSP has a limited capacity + spatial tasks are processed by the same components. BUT lacks mundane realism ecological validity
What is the role of episodic buffer
temp storage for components,
binds + integrates info from all other components + passes info to LTM
codes both visual and acoustic information,
limited capacity.
buffer between LTM + WMM
Evidence to support the role of the episodic buffer
ALKHALIFA: pts w/ impaired LTM had 25 item capacity in STM. TS EB is between STM + LTM as 25 items is too large a capacity for STM but also too small for LTM.
Research examining WMM often shows experimental reductionism, as it attempts to examine complex behaviour by relying on isolated variables operationalised in lab experiments.
WMM adopts a nomothetic approach since it attempts to generate universal laws regarding how STM processes information, based on dual‐task studies conducted under lab conditions. Using an idiographic approach, can shed light on how STM loss can vary between people.
Empirical → neurological evidence (locations)
Un-falsifiable + vague (CE + EB) → RICHARD: argues WMM uses circular argument to explain any kind of argument. E.g, if mem not processes where B+H originally thought, either add a new component or use an existing one to explain ∴ cant be falsified
EDUCATION: contributed to raising educational standards in western world
WMM suggests educational activities that develop PL functioning may be effective intervention for dyslexics. → JUNGLE MEMORY (ALLOWAY) trains + improves WMM. Tested on 6-15 y/o, training 4x a week + found higher IQ then those practicing 1x a week + language skills improved.
BUT BERNINGER: dyslexia may be due to chromosomal abnormalities, TS brain activities only improve STM as they will not alter the genetics of pts
RECRUITMENT: helped develop tests to screen applicants for highly skilled jobs.
E.g, ability to hold + manipulate VS info provides a measure of non verbal intelligence that can predict success in architecture + engineering (PERCELL)