Wk9-21-BCHD Intro Flashcards
Sounds travel (faster/slower) through solids than air
T/F: The first BCHD was developed in 1876 and was called the Fonifiero
True: it was a metal rod with a horseshoe shape at one end and a small cup at the other . The ends were held against the speaker’s larynx and the listener’s forehead
What was the audiphone?
A strip of wood applied to eh teeth of the listener. The strip of wood was stressed or relaxed to pick up different frequencies
What are the 3 main components of any BCHD?
- A speech processor
- A microphone
- An intermediate piece to conduct vibrations to the bone
What are some non-surgical BCHDs?
Eyeglass BCHA
BCHA and headband
Describe a bone anchored hearing aid
Vibration is transmitted to the bone via an intermediary device that is implanted in the bone
What is the device called when the intermediary piece is located under the skin?
An active bone conduction implant (e.g. bonebridge, ossea)
Describe a transcutaneous bone conduction device
When the vibration is transmitted through intact skin. (vs a percutaneous device which is interrupting the skin)
What are the 4 major types of bone conduction devices?
When the vibration is sent through the skin
- From the outside, as with the BC Headband
- Via an implanted magnet, as with the passive transcutaneous BC system
When the vibration is sent directly to the bone
- Percutaneous/permanent wound, as with Bone Anchored Hearing Aids
- Transcutaneous/Intact skin, as with a bone conduction implant
Are BCHD teams similar to CI teams?
Yes - same team members, organizations, and manufacturers. The only main difference is the type of candidate
What type of hearing loss is usually treated by BCHDs?
Unilateral SNHL
- unable to use traditional HA
Do BCHD surgeries carry the risk of damaging residual hearing?
Name 3 examples of outer/middle ear disease that would result in BCHD candidacy
- atresia/microtia
- chronic otitis media
- otosclerosis
- cholesteatoma
- failed tympanoplasty
- failed stapedectomies
- syndromic etiology
- large conductive hearing loss
Below ___ dB HL conductive loss, BAHAs and HAs deliver the same amount of benefit
30 dB
- above this number, HAs are less effective, but BAHA benefit remains the same
- the main advantages of BAHAs above 30 dB conductive loss are less power/amplification needed, unoccluding EC, better sound quality
Describe the type of mixed hearing loss that would benefit from BCHDs
- conductive component greater than 30 dB HL
- SNHL less than or equal to 65 dB HL
- *those with outer/middle ear disease might also have damage in the cochlea
With a moderately-severe loss with an ABG of 40-60 dB, what kind of aided thresholds can we expect with a BCHD?
Normal range thresholds
With a severe mixed loss with an ABG of 40-55 dB, what kind of aided thresholds can we expect with a BCHD?
Mild range thresholds
- will correct conductive component and aid with cochlear component
Describe SSD
Single Sided Deafness
- Normal hearing on one side
- Un-aidable hearing on the other side
- Acoustic neuroma
- Sudden Idiopathic Deafness
- Meniere’s Disease
- Trauma
- Ototoxicity
How can BCHDs help with SSD?
By overcoming the head shadow effect
- BCHD on poor side will stimulate working cochlea on good side to aid with perception of high frequencies
What are the 2 BAHD programs in Ontario for children less than or equal to 5 years of age?
Hospital for Sick Children
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
How many BAHD adult programs are there in Ontario?
- Ottawa Civic Hospital
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Markham Stoufville Hospital
- London Health Sciences Centre
**Device type may vary by centre
What 6 things does the BAHD assessment process usually include?
- otoscopy
- tympanometry and acoustic immitance
- standard pure tone audiometry (PT and BC)
- Speech testing
- Imaging
- ENT assessment
How long does BCHD surgery usually last?
30-45 mins