Wk11-28-CI challenges cont'd Flashcards
Cochlear implant stimulation provides the most benefit to children who are immersed in an ____-______ environment
3 years after implantation, which group performed better on speech tasks: those in an environment using total communication or auditory-oral communication
- the brain processes visual languages much differently than it does spoken language
What effect does sign language exposure have on CI children achieving age-appropriate spoken language?
Over 70% of children s/ sign language exposure achieved age-appropriate spoken language compared to 39% of those exposed for 3 or more years; they also produced speech that was more intelligible
What does the Bilingual-Bicultural early intervention program focus on as a primary means of communication?
Sign Language
According to Pepitto’s research on bilingualism, what are the advantages of early bilingual exposure? Disadvantage?
- positive impact on multiple aspects of child’s development
- bilingual adults’ brains process the 2 languages in a similar manner, and virtually identical to monolinguals
- possible linguistic and reading advantage
- no disadvantages
In the study comparing ASL children (CI implanted children with children of deaf parents), how did they perform on language tests compared to each other, and compared to published norms?
Deaf CI users performed the same as hearing children of deaf adults on standardized measures of English vocabulary, phonology, and syntax.
Both groups performed well in comparison to norms.
Does research support the fact that, without a period of language deprivation, CI children can develop spoken language skills appropriate for typically hearing children of the same age?
- Also, ASL input does not harm spoken language development post-CI implantation
What are the SAC’s CI rehab goals?
- to process sounds to understand spoken language
- to recognize and interpret environmental sounds
- to derive pleasure from listening
- to develop spoken language
How does auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder relate to CI’s?
- generally bilateral (not always)
- thresholds tend to fluctuate
- audiograms are not a true representation of hearing
- HAs improve access to sound, but usually do not significantly improve speech discrimination abilities
- CI implantation may be warranted if there is little or no benefit from HAs - possible that the electrical stimulation may re-synchronize the impaired neural elements to some degree
How does audiometry threshold candidacy differ b/w traditional CI candidates and those with ANSD?
ANSD patients have many thresholds in the moderate and mod-severe range (i.e. better hearing than traditional CI candidates, who are usually in the severe/profound region
- ANSD patients are also usually implanted at an older age, since it takes more time to diagnose and confirm
CI users are good at identifying ___ and ____, but not so much at _____ ______
melody and timing
-not so good at pitch perception
How does pitch perception relate to CI user’s ability to identify speech prosody (emotion)?
Normal hearing listeners showed little difference between the ability to recognize face prosody (happy, sad, etc) compared to speech prosody.
CI users show a similar ability as normal listeners to recognize face prosody, but a decreased ability to recognize speech prosody
- tone, sarcasm, etc. not encoded in vocabulary
How do CI users compare to normal hearing listeners when it comes to identifying emotion in music?
Slower responses and slightly less accuracy
T/F: Meningitis was associated with some of the highest incidents of horizontal canal disfunction in individuals requiring CIs
- individuals requiring CIs had a high incidence of vestibular dysfunction in general (categorized as either horizontal canal or saccular function)
A higher percentage of participants in CI re-implanted cases had _____ (normal/abnormal) vestibular function, compared to non-re-implanted cases
Does research suggest that CI surgery significantly impacts vestibular/balance function?
No - in fact, CI stimulation has been shown to improve static balance (as shown by sway on a balance board)
What is BalanCI?
A head-referenced CI; based on the premise that, since balance improves with CI on vs off, some of the electrical signal may be reaching the vestibular system and helping it
- uses an accelerometer and gyroscopic sensor, and converts info to CI stimulation
- research shows children demonstrated more stable balance and improved postural control w/ balanCI
What does BCVL stand for?
Bilateral cochlear vestibular loss