WK7: TH Nomenclature and Socket Design Flashcards
Elbow Disarticulation
Amputation Level
- through joint
- epoicondyles & humerus fully intact
- 90-100% of humeral length
Long Transhumeral Amputation
Amputation Level
50-90% of humeral length
Medium Transhumeral Amputation
Amputation Level
30-50% of humeral length
Short Transhumeral Amputation
Amputation Level
0-30% ofhumeral length
Interscapular Thoracic
Amputation Level
removes all possible generation of shoulder motion
Important Posterior Landmarks
- Acromion
- Spine of Scapula
- C7
- Epicondyles
Important Anterior Landmarks
- Deltopectoral Line
- Axilla
Rotation Control
Transhumeral Challenges
- direction of pull (body powered) causes socket to experience external rotation
- med or short RL: shoulder girdle ???
Suspension and Distraction
Transhumeral Challenges
added weight of components
Distal Volumetric Control
Transhumeral Challenges
- Limb volume fluctations near the distal end are common in this level amputation
- should be taken into consideration
Proximal ROM
Transhumeral Challenges
- when limb is short and requires extended trimlines for stability - proximal ROM can be impeded by trimlines
Distribution of Axial Loading
Transhumeral Challenges
- axial load of px and frequently carried objects should be considered
- how can the limb support axial loads and distraction forces
- harness support can be considered to support axial loads as secondary suspension
Altered Forces During Use
Transhumeral Challenges
- consider where forces will be higher in the socket when going through ROM to actuate components
Elbow Disarticulation/Long TH
Trim Lines
- superior: excludes acromion
- anterior: at deltopectoral groove
- posterior: at lateral border of scapula
Medium TH
Trim Lines
- Superior: Up to acromion
- Anterior: Include deltopectoral groove
- Posterior: include lateral border of scap
Very short TH
Trim Lines
- Superior: Include acromion and acromio-clavicular joint
- Anterior: Medial to delto pectoral groove
- Posterior: medial to lateral border of scapula