WK1: ULP Body Powered Control Flashcards
UL BP Control Demo Patient Factors
- Power generated to actuate body powered components or switches
- challenging with pediatric patients, very short residual limbs, neuromuscular impairments
UL BP Control Demo Patient Factors
- Range of motion generated to control or activate componentes or switches
- increasingly limited with proximal levels of amputations
- ROM = distance that cable needs to move within cable housing for component actuation
Primary Control Motions
UL Body Powered Control
- Glenohumeral forward flexion
- biscapular abduction
- shoulder DEA
Glenohumeral Forward Flexion
UL Body Powered Control
- Primary BP control motion for TD operation
- generates greatest range of excursion
- TD moves in space as it is opened
- prevents precise positioning
- requires user to move body to compensate
Biscapular Abduction
UL Body Powered Control
- supplements glenohumeral felxion to increase excursion
- openes TD in fixed position in space
- pt has a lot more freedom for using TD and in the “work envelope”
Axilla Loop
Figure if 8 TR harness
- anchor for control, actuation, and suspension
Cross point
Figure if 8 TR harness
- inferior to C7, slightly to contralateral side (biomech efficiency)
- avoids irritation over spinous process
- affects placement of CAS
Control Attachment Strap
Figure if 8 TR harness
- Actuates Terminal Device
- Tight enough that excursion is not wasted but loose enough that it does not oepn
- placed as low as possible, inferior 1/3 of scapula
Anterior Suspensor + Inverted Y
Figure if 8 TR harness
resists axial loading
Figure if 8 TR harness
comes from all elements of harness
Figure of 9 Harness
Does not have anterior suspensor strap
Figure of 9 harness
comes from only the socket itself
Shoulder Saddle/Chest Strap
- Shoulder pad to resist axial loading
- replaces anterior strap
- robust suspension without applying pressure or friction to contralateral axilla
Bowden Control Cable
attach control attachment strap to cable
Bowden Control Cable
prevent cut end of cable housing from fraying cable
Crossbar and Crossbar Assembly
Bowden Control Cable
- attached to cuff on distal/posterior aspect of upper arm
- stabilizes and directs cable
Base Plate & Retainer
Bowden Control Cable
- stable attachments for cable
Triple Swivel and Ball Attachment
Bowden Control Cable
Connect directly to the terminal device