Wk 9 - Moderation w Regression Flashcards
What 3 methods might we use to examine 3-variable relationships?
Simultaneous prediction - multiple direct effects
Mediation - indirect effect
Moderation - direct effect influenced by 3rd variable
What does a moderator do? (x2)
Influences pre-existing relationship between 2 variables
Affects strength of an effect
What relationships does/should a moderator have to other variables? (x3)
Ideally independent of predictor
May/not be related to the outcome variable
Enhances/attenuates/reverses the predictor-outcome relationship
How does the focus of moderation different from mediation? (x2)
Moderation is about direct effect changes
Mediation is indirect effect
What questions are we asking in moderation? (x3)
Does the degree of the moderator modify the effect of the predictor on outcome?
*Does the interaction have an effect beyond isolated variables?
Does an effect apply differently to subsets of people?
What question is mediation asking? (x1)
What mechanism underlies the predictor-outcome relationship?
What kind of variables can be used in moderation analysis with regression? (x2, x2, x2)
Moderator can be continuous or categorical
*Often measured, but manipulated ok
Predictor - continuous/categorical, measured/manipulated
Continuous outcome - linear regression
Categorical outcome - logistic
How is the interaction calculated in moderation with regression? (x1)
Product of predictor and moderator scores`
How is the interaction term evaluated in moderation with regression? (x3, x2)
Hierarchical regression (2 stage) *Add predictor and moderator *Introduce interaction term Test for significant change in R-square *Does interaction improve model fit?
What does a significant interaction term imply? (x1)
That effect of predictor on outcome is different depending on level of moderator
If the interaction term is significant in moderation with regression, our next questions are? (x2)
How does the moderator affect the relationship?
How do the predictor-outcome slopes differ at high vs low levels of the moderator?
How do we evaluate the effects of a significant interaction term in moderation with regression? (x2)
Simple slopes analysis:
*Separate regression analyses at +/- 1 SD of moderator
What are the 5 steps in conducting moderation multiple regression?
Mean-centre predictor and moderator variables
Compute interaction variable
Conduct hierarchical regression
If significant interaction term - simple slopes
Plot slopes
How do we mean-centre scores ion moderated multiple regression? (x1)
With the desired effect being to? (x1)
Mean-centred score = score - mean
Reduce collinearity with interaction term
What can we use to automate the complex process of MMR? (x1)
What are the consideration for developing hypotheses about moderation? (x1, x2, x2)
Must hypothesise a significant interaction in initial MMR
Hyps are theory dependent
*Expect enhance, attenuate, reverse relationship?
Simple slopes can be significant or ns
*Maybe no predictor-outcome relationship at 1 level of moderator
What is necessary before we can infer causality in MMR?
Manipulate predictor and moderator in different studies
*ie,not cross-sectional design
Is it possible for moderation and mediation to occur simultaneously? (x1)
And… (x1)
Needs at least 4 variables
What is the focus of moderated mediation research? (x1)
Which could address what 3 general hypotheses?
Indirect effect
The strength of the indirect effect is changed by the Moderator
Different indirect effects are engaged at different levels of the Moderator
Indirect effect of predictor on outcome differs for different groups of people (ie high/low on moderator)
What is the focus of mediated moderation research? (x1)
Which addresses what general hypothesis? (x1)
Direct effect
Moderation effect is controlled by 4th mediating variable
In moderated mediation with a single mediator, what relationships can be influenced by the moderator? (x3)
Or both
In moderated mediation with a parallel mediators, what does the moderator do? (x3)
Determines which indirect effect is applicable
*ie, High moderator applied to 1 mediator, low to the 2nd
Explain mediated moderation (x3)
Moderating effect of 3rd variable controlled by 4th (mediator)
Mediation explains why direct predictor-outcome depends on level of moderator
*ie explains different predictor-outcome relationships for different moderator levels
In mediated moderation, explain the relationships between variables (x2)
Predictor-outcome relationship is moderated by 3rd variable
Predictor-moderator interaction (the moderating effect) is associated with/controlled by 4th (mediating) variable