Wk 2 Peripheral Nerve Lecture Flashcards
What is the inheritance pattern of SMA?
Autosomal recessive -> loss of SMN protein
Neurological ROS
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Difficulty with coordination
- Tremors
- Weakness
- Numbness
- Problems with balance
impaired strength or weakness
Paralysis or plegia
absent strength
(hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia)
Paralysis or plegia
absent strength
(hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia)
dysfunction of a spinal nerve root (often due to compression)
dysfunction of a nerve
pain due to a stimulus that normally does not provoke pain.
Light touch/feather could provoke pain
What 4 things do we examine during a motor exam?
- Inspection: normal muscle bulk vs atrophy (reduced bulk) or hypertrophy (increased bulk)
- Tone:
- Pronator drift: a sensitive screen for mild weakness
- Muscle strength
– Isolate individual movements
– Know spinal root innervation of muscles tested (myotomes) * + Radial/Ulnar/Median nerve exams
Pronator drift test
(+) = abnormal, see drift
(-) = absent, no drift
-testing upper motor neuron: strength and motor control
-pronation is more primitive
Motor exam strength grading (MRC)
- 5 : Normal: movement against full resistance
- 4 : movement against gravity and some resistance
- 3 : movement against gravity alone
- 2 : movement across joint with gravity removed
- 1 : Visible muscle contraction, no movement at the joint
- 0 : No muscular contraction at all
nerve level motor exam arm testing
C5: Shoulder abduction
C6: Elbow flexion/Wrist Extension
C7: Elbow extension/Wrist flexion
C8: Thumb extension
T1: Finger Abduction & Adduction
- T1/Ulnar nerve – Finger abduction
- T1/Median nerve – Thumb opposition
Motor testing in the legs
- L1,L2 –hip flexion (iliopsoas)
- L2,L3 –thigh adduction (adductors)
- L3,L4 –knee extension (quadriceps)
- L4,L5 – ankle dorsiflexion (tibialis anterior)
- S1 – knee flexion (hamstrings)
- S1,S2–ankleplantarflexion(gastrocnemius/soleus)
What 4 components are tested in the sensory exam?
- proprioception
- vibration
- light touch
- pain and temp
Meaningful patterns in sensory exam