Wk 16 Dermatology Flashcards
small cutaneous blister
Primary lesion
macules, patches, papules, plaques, vesicles, bullas, nodules, tumors, pustules, comedo, wheal, cyst most characteristic, representative or native appearance of skin lesion
What is the single, most determining melanoma characteristic
What is the single, most melanoma prognostic factor
Macules and patches
both flat
-macule < 1 cm
patch > 1 cm
papules and plaques
both raised
papule< 1 cm
plaque > 1 cm
Vesicle and bullas
Both fluid filled
vesicle <1 cm
Bulla > 1 cm
Nodule and tumor
nodule - usually dermal or subq, greatest mass tends to be under surface
tumor - general refers to neoplasms. Tends to be rounded
Pustule and comedo
Pustule - filled w/ purulent fluid
comedo - lesion of acne, pilosebasceous unit filled w/ keratin (open vs closed)
pink, edematous papules and plaques, often annular
closed sac
Secondary lesion/change
effects of exogenous factors or temporal changes that evolve during the course of a skin disease
Scale vs crust
scale - Accumulation of stratum corneum due to increased proliferation and/or delayed desquamation
crust - Serum, blood or purulent material
excoriation vs fissure
excoriation = Exogenous injury to epidermis
fissure = linear cleft
Erosion vs ulcer
secondary features
erosion - partial loss of epidermis
ulcer - Full thickness loss of the epidermis. May have loss of the dermis or subcutis