Winter Exam 2 Flashcards
Who was the man instructed and mentored by Pricilla and Aquila?
Place where Paul appeared before Felix and Festus
Who accompanied Paul on his second journey
North of this place is where Paul’s ship hit poor winds
Acts 27 North of Cyrpus
Place where Paul was bitten by an animal
Acts 28 Island of Malta (bitten by a snake)
Where was Paul when he debated with Philosophers
Acts 17 Athens
What was the focus of Christianity after Acts 15 (Jews or Gentiles?)
Gentiles did NOT have to become Jews in order to be Christians.
Who are some people who were attacked by an evil spirit?
The seven sons of Sceva
What was the reason for Paul’s third missionary journey?
To firm up and reinforce the gospel! Remain true to the faith, encourage and strengthen the disciples. And to revisit the churches.
What was appalled by when he was in Athens?
Athens was a city FULL of idols.
Who did Peter heal in Acts 9?
Acts 9 Aeneas
Who was the tentmaker in Joppa that Peter stayed with?
Simon the Tanner Acts 9
Dorcas was healed of what?
Acts 9 Dorcas (Tabitha) was raised from the dead!
Cornelius dreamed of what?
He has a dream in Acts 10 where an Angel of God came to visit him and told him to send men to Peter in Joppa.
Who did Paul choose to accompany him on his second missionary journey?
What is Artimes/Diana the Goddess of?
She was the goddess of the hunt, childbearing, wilderness, wild animals…she carried a bow and arrow (think wonder woman!)
Apollos’ knowledge of God was incomplete or incorrect, why?
Apollos had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and only knew of John’s water baptism. Acts 18
Whats the name of the silversmith in Ephesus?
Demetrius Acts 19
Where did Paul write the book of Romans?
From Corinth
What was Dorcas’ semitic name?
Tabitha! (Dorcas and I are one in the same!)
Describe Peter’s Vision in Acts 10
The animal vision, Peter is given a vision like a sheet of animals of all kinds right before his eyes and the Lord warns him not to call anything impure (any type of animal) that the Lord has made clean.
The young man in Troas who fell out of the window?
What was determined at the Jerusalem council?
A letter was sent out to the churches declaring that Gentiles did not need to become Jews in order to be considered Christians.
Who spoke at the Jerusalem Council?
Peter, Barnabas and Paul, and James
Who made the final decision at the Jerusalem council?
In Lystra, what happened to Timothy?
Timothy became a disciple and was circumcised
Who was the couple that Paul stayed with in Acts 18?
Paul stayed with Priscilla and Aquila to make tents because he was a tentmaker.
Who rejoined Paul in Acts 18?
Silas and Timothy rejoin Paul
What was the reason Paul was being sent to Rome?
Paul appealed to Caesar for the death charges against him
When was Paul kept in Rome and where was he?
When Paul got to Rome he was allowed to live alone with one other guard.
What was Felix speaking to Paul about in Acts 24?
Felix spoke with Paul on righteousness, self control, and the coming judgement. He was hoping Paul would offer him a bribe.
In Acts 23 after Paul’s nephew was plotting against him, where was Paul transferred to?
From the Courts to the Barracks
In Acts 20 who did Paul summons to meet him at Miletus?
Paul summoned the elders of the Ephesians church
When Apollos left his mentors where did he go?
Achaia to teach about Jesus.
Name the place that supplied Rome with grain
Alexandria, Egypt
The name of the Centurion who helped Paul?
Julius Acts 27
What animal bit Paul on his way to Rome?
City that Paul was headed for when his ship wrecked?
He was sailing to Rome
What year do we speculate Paul was martyred?
65 A.D.
Whenever Paul goes to any city, where does he go first?
To the Jews or to the synagogue. To the Jews first then to the Gentiles.
Who did Paul first heal on the island of Malta?
The father of Publius
The person in Joppa known for helping the poor?
Dorcas (Tabitha)
In Athens Paul uses what object lesson to explain God to them?
An altar with the inscription “To the unknown God”
Acts 17
Jerusalem councils decision was first sent to what city?
Explain the similarities of Jesus and Paul’s betrayals, arrests, and deaths.
Plot of the Jews , Handed over to the Gentiles, prediction of death, steadfast resolution Luke 18:31 “…to Jerusalem” and Acts 21:13 “I am ready”
Explain the situation with Holy Spirit and Paul’s return to Jerusalem
The Holy Spirit compelled Paul to go to Jerusalem, “Compelled by the spirit” Acts 20:22,The Holy Spirit warned Paul that he would face prison and hardships “Holy Spirit warns me” 20:23, Through the Spirit believers urged Paul not to go”through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem” 21:4,The Holy Spirit prophesies, Paul will be bound “the Holy Spirit says…” 21:11.
Five proclamations Paul made about God for the philosophers
Acts 17: He is the Creator of the universe (24), Sustainer of life(25), Ruler of all nations (26), Father of all humanity (28), Judge of the world (31)
Paul’s Strategy for entering new communities?
Preach the gospel, heal the lame, make and strengthen disciples and appoint elders in the church!