EXAM 2 Flashcards
What are the seven great affirmations of the Gospel of John?
I am…The Bread of Life, The Light of the world, The door/gate, the good shepherd, the resurrection&life, the way/the truth/the life, the true vine.
Describe the temptations of Eve Vs. the temptations of Jesus…
Eve/Genesis 3:8/good for food, pleasing to the eye, gaining of wisdom. Jesus temptations/Luke 4:1-13,turn stones to bread, shown kingdoms of the world, jump from the pinnacle of the temple.
Seven witnesses in John
John the baptist calls Jesus the lamb of God (John 1:25), Nathaniel calls Jesus the son of God (1:49), the Samaritan woman says is this not the son of God (4:29,), peter says you are the Christ the son of the living God, Martha says I believe that thou art the Christ, the son of God, Thomas says my Lord and my God (20:28), the author of John himself testifies to this in chapter 20.
What is Mark’s view disciples?
the disciples are passive followers, failing to understand Jesus’ parables lacking faith, afraid in the dark, commanded to go and preach, trying to figure out what people thought of Jesus, could not grasp Jesus’ death talks, wanted to stop competition, not in favor of Jesus’ time with the children, confusion with wealth and the kingdom, attempt for priority seating…
Who is the audience of each synoptic gospel? Matthew, Mark, Luke?
Matthew/ Jews, Mark/ the un-evangelized Romans, Luke/gospel for the gentiles
Which gospel has the most parables?
Who is the person Mark depended on for his gospel as an eye witness?
What was Mark and Paul’s relationship?
Cousin to Barnabas and servant to Paul and Barnabas
What was Luke’s profession?
He is considered to be a Doctor/Physician
In the gospel of Mark, where was Jesus baptized?
Baptized by John in the Jordan
On Jesus’ transfiguration he talked to which two people?
Moses and Elijah
Which prophet does Mark quote at the beginning of his book?
What was the most clear, concise, and fast paced gospel?
In Luke Gabriel first appears to?
Zechariah, to announce Elizabeth’s pregnancy (John the baptist) and thus the ministry of John the Baptist.
Author of each gospel and what else did they write?
Matthew/Matthew, Mark/Mark, Luke/Luke and Acts, John/John 1 John,2 John, 3 John, Revelations.
What is the uniqueness to the gospel of John?
Word (logos) became flesh/ washing disciples feet/ short genealogy/ reference to God as Father/ no birth account/the transfiguration account
Author of each gospel and what else did they write?
Luke/Luke and Acts
John/ John, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, Revelations
What is the geneology of Jesus is Luke?
Jesus was the son of Joseph which lead down to Seth son of Adam who was the son of God.
What is the primary portrayal of Jesus in the book of Luke?
Jesus was the savior of ALL (gentiles), he was the son of man and the savior of all
When were the gospels written?
Matthew/ 65-70 AD, Mark/64-70 AD, Luke/60 AD, John/
Who asked, how can a man been born when he is old?
Who heard from Jesus, sell everything and follow me?
The rich young ruler
Who was the high priest that put Jesus to death?
The Holy Spirit was not given fully to mankind until after what?
Until after Jesus’ ascension
Who was the person who didn’t save Jesus from the cross because he was afraid of the crowds?
Where was the book of Mark written?
written from Rome
How long did Luke gather information for his writings?
two years
What was John the baptist’ view on Jesus’ Messiah-ship?
John the baptist knows he is in Jesus, He ascribes Jesus as the lamb of God.
Which gospel interprets rather than presents the stories of Jesus?
Discuss Mark and Peter
Mark became a disciple of Peter and most likely got his gospel from Peter.
After his ascension Jesus had left instruction that he had gone ahead of them to where?
To prepare a place…I leave you the counselor the Holy Spirit…He goes to be with the Father
Who did Luke dedicate/commission his gospel to?
How did each of the gospels start?
Matthew/The genealogy of Christ, Mark/The words of the prophet Isaiah foretelling John the Baptist one who is crying in the desert prepare the way for the Lord! Luke/Dedication to Theophilus and angel Gabriel appearing to Zechariah to prophesy birth of John the Baptist, John/In the beginning was the word, and the word was God,and the word was with God, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us…