Winter Exam 1 Flashcards
Who wrote the book of Acts?
What is the primary language of Hellenism?
Who was Judas replaced with? And how?
Lots were cast and fell to Matthias after Judas turned aside his ministry
How qualified? V 21-22
For what role? V 22
How chosen? V 23-26
Who did the Lord send to find Paul on straight street in Damascus? Who is he?
A disciple, Paul had a vision of a man named Ananias coming to lay hands on him to regain his vision
What are the four levels of belief?
Proselyte/ faith, obedience
God-fearer/ faith
Gentile (pagan)
Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin to leave the apostles alone. Why?
If they killed the men the might find themselves opposing the will of God.
What was the reason for many Hellenistic Jews living in Jerusalem? How does this impact the church?
Jews came so they could die in Israel and be buried there. Which meant many widows. Synagogue provision for widows was carried over to the church and church growth resulted.
The death of Stephen
Opposition arose against Stephen even though he was full of Gods power. Men were persuaded to make false testimonies against Stephen stating that he was blasphemous and spoke again Moses and God. They brought Stephen before the Sanhedrin. Stephen gave a speech calling the Jews a stiff necked people and he was stoned.
Stephen/Jesus comparison False witnesses Charge of blasphemy Prayers Forgive my executioners Receive my spirit
What King was eaten by worms?
Herod Agrippa
Paul’s partner on his first missionary journey
Where does Paul contend with a sorcerer and blinds him?
Pathos Cyprus Acts 13
Sorcerer is bar-Jesus
Town that Paul’s name changed from Saul
Pathos Cyprus
Greek God that Paul was identified as in Lystra
The first place of Paul’s missionary journey
Saul meets Jesus in acts 9
Saul on his way to Damascus Light flashed from heaven Heard voice saying “Saul, why do you persecute me?” “I am jesus who you are persecuting” Told to go wait in Damascus Blind for 3 days Ananias told to go see Saul Ananias did not want to go because of Sauls reputation
How does Peter become a leader of the Apostles?
Peter is he defacto leader of the group, he was not elected but came to it through his forceful personality.
Who does Philip meet on the road to Gaza?
Ethiopian Eunuch
What is Tarsus famous for?
Cilicium/ water proof goat hair
How can Paul be a Roman citizen?
Born in a Roman city/born a citizen
What privileges and duties of a Roman citizen?
Liable to Roman laws and civic duties
Fair public trial
Exempt from certain forms of punishment
Protection against quick execution
OT characters that Stephen speaks about?
Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph,
Name the people who were killed by God in Acts 5 and why?
Ananias and Sapphira lied about how much money the received from selling land.
What are the labels that Peter uses for Jesus in Acts 3?
The Christ, Messiah, Holy and Righteous one, Servant
Why were Peter and John arrested in acts 4?
Arrested for preaching at the temple
What is the actual name of the gate called beautiful?
Nicanor Gate
Recipient of the book of Acts?
What was the reason of no needy people among the Christians in Acts 4?
Because they sold and gave everything among each other
What do the disciples do while waiting on the Holy Spirit?
Received their commission
Saw Christ go into heaven
Persevered together in prayer
Replaced Judas with Matthias
Were the speeches in Acts verbatim?
Most likely they were not
They were; too short to be complete, had phrases like “with many other words”, there was no recording equipment, Luke was not always present
BUT- reliable summaries
Cause and Effect Channel
Persecution —>dispersion
Dispersions—> evangelism
Why did people bring their sick to the street of Jerusalem in Acts 5?
To be healed! “Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the lord and were added to their number. As a result, people brought their sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that Peters shadows might fall on some of them as he passed by” Acts 5:14,15
What were the qualifications of those people who distributed food to widows? Acts 6
Men of good repute, full of the spirit and wisdom, devote themselves to prayer and ministry of the word.
What are the social classes ?
A. Priests B. Levites C. Full blooded Israelites D. Illegal children of priests E. Proselytes F. Gentile converts G. Proselyte who were once slaves H. Children I . Eunuchs born that way J. Gentiles and non-Jews
Social honor Vs. Ethical honor
Social honor is above ethical honor. Only those in honor can expect the truth.