Spring Final Flashcards
Survive to Commissioning
How many dispensations did you learn in class?
- Innocence- Ends with expulsion from the Garden of Eden
- Conscience – From the Fall to the Great Flood
- Government- Ends with the dispersion at the Tower of Babel
- Promise (aka. Abrahamic Law)– From Abraham to Moses
- Law – From Moses to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Ends with the scattering of Israel in AD70.
- Grace (aka. Age of Grace, Church Age)– From the cross to the rapture of the church.
- Millennial Kingdom – A 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.
Meaning of Apocalyptic
Apokalupto = to unveil, uncover, reveal
Crisis literature
Written in times of social upheaval, political turmoil, uncertainty
Meant to offer hope and assurance
Author of Revelation
John, Patmos, 95AD
List and define 2 ways to interpret Revelation
Preterism- Revelation describes events that took place in the first century or started then and took time to complete.
Idealism- Revelation describes the continuous struggle between good and evil. Christ and his followers will eventually triumph.
Futurism- Revelation describes a coming time—the end times. Often based on a dispensationalist view. A popular interpretation (Left Behind). Commitment to a literal interpretation of prophetic Scripture
Historicism- Revelation symbolically predicted events which would occur throughout church history. Symbols can be related to world events from the apostolic age to the end times. Once a widespread view, but raises skepticism today (some used this to predict a date Christ would return)
Explain the New Jerusalem
Prepared as a bride
12 gates, 12 foundations
Perfect cube
No temple
River of the water of life, tree of life
What are the genuine Christian Teachings in 1st John?
Faith (Belief in Jesus as the incarnate Christ)
Righteous living
Love for other believers
Reassurance of the faithful
Genuine forgiveness in community -1:9
Walk in love - 2:10
Not be ashamed of Christ’s return – 2:28
Prayers are answered – 3:22
Know the 4 horsemen (what were they like and what did they represent?)
These are also seals 1 thru 4
White: bow and crown; conqueror
Red: sword; power to take peace
Black: pair of scales; inflated prices
Pale: rider named Death
List and describe the views of the millennium
Postmillennial View- We are in the age of the church (millennium) during which the world will be won for Christ through preaching the gospel to all people (Matt. 24:14) Christ’s return, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment will all come at the end of time. Optimism concerning human activity.
Amillennial View- There will be no literal thousand-year reign of Jesus on earth – it is the present church age. Jesus reigns in heaven now, using the spiritual ministry of the church. Christ’s return, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment will all come at the end of time. Realism concerning human activity.
Historic Premillennial View- Christ’s return and the resurrection of believers precedes a literal millennium. Christ reigns with the saints on earth for a thousand years before the final judgment.
Dispensational Premillennial View- Believers will be raptured to escape the tribulation. The purpose of the tribulation is to restore Israel. Christ returns at the end of the tribulation to reign on earth for a thousand years before the final judgment. Pessimism concerning human activity
The reason of Revelation was written
“John’s vision of the ‘heavens opened’ allows the suffering church on earth to understand its experience from God’s heavenly perspective, and in the light of Christ’s own death and resurrection: martyrdom through faithful witness is the sign not of the persecutor’s triumph but rather of his defeat.”
God is sovereign
Jesus is God the Son
God’s people are victorious
Jesus is coming again, and we will be with him forever
1st John contains many of the same keywords as one of the gospels. What is it?
Gospel of John:
love, light, truth, world, know. We also find some of the same contrasts: light/darkness, life/death.
The Three sets of seven visions in Revelation
Seven seals
Seven trumpets
Seven bowls
Which OT books are the most quoted in the book of Revelation?
65 references (39%) are from…
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
3 blessings in the book of Jude
mercy, peace, and love
Verse 2 “May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.”
2 negative examples of people in Jude
Cain, Balaam, and Korah
Verse 11 “Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error and perished in Korah’s rebellion.”
Jude’s warning about false teachers
False teachers slipped into the community (3-4)
Character of false teachers (8-19) examples: defile the flesh, reject authority, blaspheme glorious ones, follow own desires, boastful, etc.
Resistance against false teachers (20-23)
God is able to keep us from falling (24-25)
What is a book of Righteous Anger?
is a letter of righteous anger (surpassed by Jesus’ words against the religious leaders – Matt 23)
Which book was written to the chosen lady and her children?
2nd John
The shortest book in the NT
2nd John
The negative example of man in 3rd John
Diotrephes is a negative example of a man (verses 9-10) -
Examples given:
Not very nice (John’s action: vs. 10)
Wants to be first in all things [WANNA-BE-LEADER] – MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY
Not welcoming traveling Christians
Spreads rumors/gossips
Prevents those who want to help travelling believers
The book of 3rd John was written to whom
Acts 19:29 – Gaius is from Macedonia (coming from there with Paul) but arrested in Ephesus
Acts 20:4 – On Paul’s team, from Derbe (from Asia) (Gaius of Derbe)
Romans 16:23 – Host to Paul in Corinth (Gaius of Corinth)
1 Corinthians 1:14 – baptized by Paul
What concept (Love, light, truth, know, world) appears the most in the book of 1st John?
LOVE (40x)
20x agape
20x agapao
Format of the book of 1st John
no letter format
2 disciples of John
Papias ‘n’ Polycarp
The themes of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John
1 John- Tests of fellowship with God: faith (Christology), righteous living, love
2 John- Christian truth and love
3 John- Christian hospitality
What is Docetism?
One heresy that grew out of dualism
Jesus only seemed to be human (a view that he could not be both human/material [therefore evil], and divine/spiritual [therefore good], at the same time).
2nd Peter was written before or after Paul’s epistles?
…because Peter quotes Paul’s letters…
2 Peter 3:15-16 “And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.”
What is the theme of 1st Peter
Encouragement in Times of Suffering
Name three of the triads found and three things that made them up.
Triads of Jude:
3 descriptions of readers (1): called, beloved in God, kept for Jesus Christ
3 blessings (2): mercy, peace, love.
3 OT examples of punishment (5-7) : The Lord saved His people out of Egypt, but destroyed those who were guilty of unbelief. Heavenly messengers in rebellion who went outside their rightful dominion and abandoned their appointed realms, they are kept in the netherworld until judgement day. Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves to sexual impurity, they experience the punishment of eternal fire.
3 OT examples of rebellion (11): They followed the steps of Cain. They have abandoned themselves to Balaam’s error because of their greed. They rebelled like Korah.
6 descriptions of false teachers (12-13): Irreverant, Misleading, Fruitless trees, Wild waves flinging out shame and disgrace, Clouds with no rain, Dangerous hidden reefs…
3 more descriptions (19): Cause divisions, Follow their own natural instinct, devoid of the life of the spirit.
3 ways to depend on the Trinity (20-21): Build yourselves up on the foundation of your holy faith by praying every moment, fasten your hearts to the love of God, receive the mercy of Jesus Christ.
3 ways to help others (22-23): Keep compassionate to those who have doubts, snatch others out of the fire to save them, Be merciful over and over.