Wills + Trusts Flashcards
Valid Trust
a. Settlor w/ Intent (i.e., to create the trust NOW, not some time in the future) b. Delivery of specific trust property c. An ascertainable Beneficiary d. Active duties imposed on the trustee e. A proper trust purpose; and f. A trustee
Trustee Duties
- The duty of loyalty
- The duty to act as a prudent Investor
- reasonable caution, skill, and diversify investments - The duty of care
Cy pres doctrine - Trusts
Applies to charitable trusts.
- The court can choose an alternative charity (close to original charitable purpose) when the original charitable purpose is impossible or impracticable.
Trust Purpose can NOT be
Illegal, Fraudulent ~or~
Against public policy
(a) Designed to encourage divorce
(b) Prevent Marriage
Trustee can NOT self deal in Trust assets even in good faith =
Duty of Loyalty - even if fair price
assets returned or damages
Valid Will
A. Capacity
B Intent (intent to be his will)
C. Formalities
1. Signed Writing - by testator or in presence at direction
2. Signed by 2 witnesses (doesn’t have to be before testator) - can be interested party
Undue Influence Will
- such influence overcame free will
- caused him to do something otherwise wouldn’t have
» Will be VOID < <
Presumed if-
- Confidential relationship
- Suspicious Circumstances
Will Fraud
- In the Inducement
- In the Execution
Revoke Will
- Physical Act
- Executing Subsequent Will
- Divorce (unless intent to continue)
Once Will revoked -
Stays dead unless
- republish
- codicil
- other clear evidence
Lost Will
In possession = destroyed
Not in possession = no presumption
Will Copy
Executed - effective
- destroyed = destroy all = revoked
Will Children
Adopted = loses any relationship with his natural parents /treated as the natural-born child of the adoptive parents / inherit from them
Out of Wedlock = child of mother for inheritance Intestate
- Child of his father if
> paternity is sufficiently est. by
(1) the parents marry each other ~or~
(2) during the lifetime of the child, the father openly holds out the child
Incorporation by Reference - refers to a document in Will
- Existence at the time
- Intent
- Identification of Doc
Will - personal property lists
Recognized if signed / ID Property / ID Beneficiary
Will Abatement -
Not enough in estate to pay out
- Residuary > General > Specific
(Least to Most - pro-rated)
Codicil to Will
- Signed by the testator and
- 2 Attesting Witnesses
> Harmless Error Rule =
- Alteration will be valid even if it does not comply with the required formalities if … clear and convincing evidence that the testator intended it to be part of will