Crim Flashcards
Mens Rea - Specific Intent
Defendant Committed the act for the
-> purpose of causing the result that the law criminalizes
Specific Intent Crimes
FIAT First Deg Murder Inchoate Crimes Assault Theft
Inchoate Crimes
Specific Intent Defense - Extra Defenses
Vol Intoxication
Unreasonable Mistake of Fact
Malice Crimes
AM sure there’s only 2
- Arson
- Murder
Malice =
Def realized the risks and acted anyway
b/c he
Acted with reckless disregard of a high degree of harm
General Intent =
The intent to perform the act
that act is unlawful
Statute says “with intent to…”
Specific Intent
Statute says “knowingly or recklessly did…..”
General Intent
Statute has - no mens rea language ..
Strict Liability
Transferred Intent
Def - plans to victimize A but Victimizes B instead …intent transferred from A to B
(Completed crimes only)
Lesser included crimes merge into Major crime
(Larceny into Robbery)
Inchoate Crimes into completed crime
Attempt = Merges
Solicitation = Merges
Conspiracy = DOES NOT MERGE // it is its own crime by itself / can be convicted of conspiracy to commit and the crime itself
Under 7 = Not capable of committing crime
7-14 = incapable
14+ can be as an adult
Assist either Before or During
b/c Acted w/ INTENT to ASSIST the principal BEFORE or during
- crime and also any Foreseeable Crimes that occur
> LOOK for CONSPIRACY if there is an AGREEMENT <
Agreement + over act in furtherance of agreement
- Also any encouragement *
Accessory After the Fact
Assist the Def after the crime
DEFENSE - Mistake (Fact)
Negates Mens Rea:
Reasonable - Gen + Specific Intent Crimes
Unreasonable - Specific Intent only
DEFENSE - Mistake (Law)
Only if based on interpretation of official
DEFENSE - Insanity (4)
1) M’Naghten - Did not know the Nature of his Act -or- did not Know the Act was WRONG
2) Irresistible Impulse - Could NOT CONTROL himself
(3) Durham Rule - Would Not have committed But For the mental defect
4) MPC = (M’Naghen + Irresistible Impulse) – Did Not have capacity to KNOW actions WRONG or to CONTROL himself to conform actions to law
DEFENSE - Intoxication
Involuntary - defense to all
Voluntary - defense to Specific /FIAT ONLY
Mistake Insanity Self Defense Intoxication Necessity Duress Withdraw
Inchoate Crimes
Agreement between 2 people + Unlawful Act + Overt Act
[Once Agree = Crime done - can NOT Withdrawal !!]
- can limit liability for future crimes-
{MPC - Unilateral ..Undercover Cop = ok]
Intent to Commit Crime + Substantial Step
[Defense = vol intox / unreas mistake of fact]
Intentionally Ask to commit a crime
[Crime = the ask]
[Agreement = Conspiracy]
Unlawful Killing of another person w/ malice aforethought
[Requires - MR + Actus Reus + Cause (- any defenses) ]
- required for ALL Murders / manslaughters -
Actual = But For
Proximate = Act was FORSEEABLE cause of death
- NO Independent unforeseeable actions by 3rd party -
Other 3 Murders
1 - Felony Murder - BARRK
2 - Intent to cause serious bodily Injury
3 - Depraved Heart - extreme indifference to the value of human life (super whatever)
Voluntary - Heat of Passion + no Colling off
Involuntary -
(1) Crim Neg (reckless) Conduct + killing
(2) Misdemeanor Manslaughter = commit another crime besides BARRK + Death
Taking Personal Property of another w/o consent w/ intent to deprive them of it permanently
LAWFUL Possession converts to own use (deprives the owner)
False Pretenses
Obtains TITLE to Property through deception
- counterfeit money / bad checks -
Larceny by Trick
Voluntarily hands over + Larceny
- theft of services ..not paying -
Larceny + Assault
[Taking of property + Violence or fear of violence ]
Future Force Robbery
Breaking + Entering (can be by Fraud + any entry)
Dwelling of another
At night
w/ intent to commit felony inside
—MPC = any time of day / any building —
Unlawful application of force to person + Causes Harm or Offensive touching
Attempted Battery = Substantial step towards completing the battery (actually swings fist)
- Intoxication and unreasonable mistake = defense)
Fear of harm - imminent harm
Unlawful Confinement against their will by moving or hiding
Malicious Burning of another person’s dwelling
MPC - anyone’s building + not have to be structure
What is 1st Required ?
Gov’t action - Always !
Seizure =
By means of physical force or authority restrains freedom
Terry Stop or Traffic Stop need
Evidence -
1) Stop unlawful
2) Arrest unlawful
1) Can Use
2) CANNOT use
Warrants need
PC , neutral detached magistrate, places searched, and items seized
Arrest warrant - persons home
Can enter
Arrest in home - no warrant 2 exceptions
Exigent Circ or Consent
Car Search after arrest - removal from car
Only for evidence of the crime arrested for
Exceptions to Warrant
Exigent, Search incident to arrest, Consent, Auto, Plain View, Evidence from Admin Search, Stop and Frisk
DNA - search / collection
Can be collected incident to arrest
5th Amend applies to
Testimonial Evidence
Miranda ..when?
Custody + interrogation
Miranda - Offense Specific?
6th Amend RTC
Miranda - NOT Offense Specific
6th = IS offense Specific
Miranda Viol to impeach
Evidence obtained from a violation of Miranda is…
6th RTC ..attaches
Indictment or Formal charges
(Initial Hearing is not yet)
PRE-indictment line up = ok
Post = no go w/o lawyer
Exclusionary Rule does NOT apply
Pre-trial proceedings (Grand Jury)
Knock and Announce
Required to be reasonable
but if do NOT evidence will STILL BE ADMISSIBLE if entitled to enter (w/ warrant)
Exclusionary Rule Exceptions
Independent Source, Inevitable Discovery, Attenuation of Taint, Good Faith
Jury right when
More than 6 months in jail
Jury Size
Fed = 12 // States =6
Silence before Miranda
Prosecutor CAN bring up
Jeopardy Attaches when
Jury Sworn or First Witness sworn
- By Trick
- False Pretenses
- Embezzlement
- Trick = Obtain Possession WITH consent by FRAUD / intent to perm deprive
- False Pretenses - obtain Poss + Title by FRAUD / intent to perm deprive
- Embezzlement - Fraudulent conversion by someone who had LAWFUL Possession
Malice means ___ in Murder =
- when a person intends to kill or inflict serious bodily injury, commit a dangerous felony, or act w/ reckless disregard of the unjustifiably high risk of serious injury or death