Wildlife Flashcards
Undomesticated animal species
Typically includes:
* Mammals
* Birds
* Fishes
* Amphibians
* Reptiles
Why Monitor Wildlife?
* Preserve species for future generations
* Intrinsic value in wildlife species
* Endangered & threatened species
* IUCN list
* Identities
* Sustenance
* Serve key purposes in ecosystem functions
Why Monitor Wildlife?
Monitoring wildlife allows us to:
* Track population trends
* Identify threatened/endangered species
The addition of earth observation
remote sensing allows us to:
* Efficiently collect data on animal
* Efficiently quantify animal habitat
o To ultimately make inferences on why species may be threatened
o And make management decisions to improve conservation
2 Key Aspect
Tracking Animal Movement
* GPS Collars
* GPS Tags
* Camera Traps
Quantifying Animal Habitat
* Satellite data
* Describe habitat
* Disturbance info
o Year
o Type
Historically Tracking Animal Movement
Scientists would go to the field
* Place themselves in a safe position
* Or use an aircraft
Quantify animal movement and behaviour for hours, days, weeks
* Highly susceptible to human error
Historically Tracking Animal Movement
These field expeditions are still important now because they :
* Provided first datasets on animal movement
* And animal behaviour
Did allow quantification of behaviour
* Sleeping
* Moving
* Vigilance
o How scared are they of predators?
* Feeding
Tracking Animal Movement: Two Approaches
* Animal borne tracking device
* GPS collar
* GPS tag
Eulerian(historical )
* Pre-determined frame of
* Visual surveys
* Camera traps like on threes
GPS Collars( Langarian Approch)
- We put collars on a wide variety of species:
- Wolves
- Moose
- Bears
- Caribou
- Deer
GPS Collars( Langarian Approch)
- Accuracy can be 5-10m
- Depends on terrain
- Can now customize how often we get locations
For example: - Once each day
- Once each hour
- Once every 30 mins
- Collars are removed
- With a “rot-off” feature
- Or electronic mechanism
GPS Tags (Lagragian approch)
We use GPS tags for birds
* Lighter weight version of
GPS collars
* Can be attached via rings
around body/neck Or to the leg
GPS Collar/Tags
* Fine scale movement data:
Locations up to every 30 mins
- Remote data collection (Via satellites) dont have to go to the color to get the data
* Individual level movement(only tracking on specifc animal)
* Expensive
- Physical collar is expensive
- Field work to place collars on
animals also expensive/time
* Invasive
* Malfunctions
Camera Traps(Eularian Approch)
- Remotely triggered by moving warm objects
- needs to be warm and moving (different then vegetation)
same as to observe vegetation phenology
Camera Traps(Eularian Approch)
* Non-invasive
* Cost effective
* Population level data
* Multi-species
* some times Behaviour info
* Coarser movement data - not getting a lot of movment capture like gps
* Manual data retrieval
* Have to travel to where cameras
are located
* Effected by weather
* Sometimes get covered in snow or
Quantifying Animal Habitat
- So now we have animal movement data
- Need to relate it to the environment
To answer questions like:
* What kind of habitat do animals prefer?
* What kind of habitat do animals avoid?
* Ultimately for management
* For Example:
* Close certain areas to people
* Harvest forest in only certain areas
Historically we quantified habitat
Historically we quantified habitat manually
- Field work
- Go to a site an animal spent lots of time in
- Identify the plant species there
- Count how many of each species are there)
- Look at the terrain
- Slope, aspect, etc.
- Often times used aerial surveys
- Scientists drew maps by hand
- Sometimes digitized these