Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934? FACTS Flashcards
How much did the Nazi Party grow between 1920 and 1923 as a result of Hitler’s public speaking skills?
From 2,000 in 1920 to 20,000 in 1923
What was the name of the program that outlined the Nazi party aims?
The 25 point program.
What were the four main aims of the Nazi party?
Nationalism, socialism, anitisemitism and militirasim
What was the name of the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party and how many members did it have in 1923?
SA and over 2000men
describe 4 the events of the beer hall putsch
On the evening of November 8, 1923, Adolf Hitler, along with prominent Nazi leaders and supporters, gathered at a beer hall in Munich. Two thousand Nazis marched in the city centre, but were confronted by police, which resulted in the deaths of 16 Nazis, four police officers, and one bystander.
Give two reasons why the Munich putsch was not a failure for the Nazi party.
During his imprisonment wrote Mein Kampf and Hitler received a lot of media attention.
How many seats did the Nazi party win in 1928?
12 seats (less than 3% of vote)
Why were people less interested in voting for extremist parties in Germany during the 1920s?
Stresmann era, more prosperous and more peaceful
During the 1920s, Hitler reorganised the Nazi party.Give two examples of how he did this.
Trained Nazi leaders to speak publicly and created the Hitler Youth (1926).
How many members did the Nazi party have in 1928 and what type of people were they?
10,000, from farmers and lower middle class
What was the role of the SS in the 1920s?
To protect nazi leaders
Give four reasons why the Nazis won more support between 1930 and 1932.
Communist threat, decadence of Weimar, Nazi campaigning and depression.
What percentage of the vote did the Nazis win in July 1932?
What was Hindenburg’s reaction to Hitler’s demand to become chancellor in July 1932?
Rejected the idea - did not want to give Hitler power
Who was the Chancellor in July 1932?
Von Papen
explain why Hitler became chancellor in 1933 (6)
Political scheming- von Papen worked against von Schleicher to undermine him as Chancellor because von Papen was upset that he had failed as Chancellor
Hindenburg (President) and von Papen (vice-chancellor) hoped to control Hitler in a coalition by making him Chancellor but only allowing 2 Nazis in the Cabinet
When did the Reichstag fire take place?
27th of February 1933
How did Hitler use the Reichstag fire to consolidate his power?
Persuaded Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Act- gave emergency powers to suspend personal freedoms and increase police powers. suppress political parties & the media - targeted the communists 4,00 arrested - communist party effectively banned.
What percentage of the votes did the Nazis win in March 1933?
44% so lacked a majority
How did Hitler and the Nazis get the enabling act passed in March 1933?
By forming a coalition with the nationalist and centre party to get a majority.
What were the immediate consequences of the Enabling Act? Give two examples.
Hitler could pass laws without consulting the Reichstag, democracy destroyed- Hitler virtually a dictator. Political parties and Trade unions banned. (Though Hindenburg could have dismissed him and army could have removed him)
What agreement was reached with the Catholic Church in July 1933 and why was this important?
The concordat where the catholic church would focus on religious issues and NOT comment on political issues- in return Nazis would not interfere in the church
Describe the events of the 29th- 30th of June 1934 and explain why they were important.
This was the night of the Long knives where SS purged the SA leaders to gain control, and this won over the support of the German army
What two actions did Hitler do after Hindenburg died in August 1934.
He used the enabling act to make him Chancellor and Fuhrer and got the German army to swear an oath of loyalty to him as Fuhrer.
Give two reasons why Hitler was in a weak position, despite becoming chancellor in January 1933.
(he was in a coalition with von Papen, and there were only two Nazis in the cabinet, Hindenburg, and from Papen hopes the coalition could hold off the Nazis more extreme ideas, Hindenburg was still president and could sideline Hitler and German army opposed the SA as a rival – by 1934 four, there were nearly 4,000,000 storm troopers compared to 100,000 in the German army)