Why the tribunes failed to improve lives Flashcards
Role of Coriolanus vs the tribunes
He argues that plebs caused famine and they should starve, tribunes ordered for him to be on trial, tribunes encouraged people to mob and he fled. Senate set fair food prices and used him as a scapegoat, He ran away to Volsci and encouraged them to wage war on Rome.
Spurius Cassius and the demand for agrian laws
Cassius acquired land and tried to set up tyranny, wanted to share the land from Hernici with the plebs and the latins.
Attacked from both sides and (Bribing) was executed
Role of Volero Publius
A pleb Refused to join army, plebs are too scared of the senate to help others. Mob turned on the lictors and he escaped. Senate wanted to punish but he was set free. Volero became next tribune and demanded change to the tribune voting system
The indictment of appius claudius
Appius was charged by the tribunes, trial was suspended to avoid conflict, Appius died, volero reforms had been strengthened
Gaius Terentilius and the demand to limit consular power
Quintuis fabuis says we should use land from volscui and create new place for pleb
Terentilius demand a consititinal reform, written consitution to limit power of consuls
They scrap, senate says its a good idea but don’t do anything