Hannibal vs consuls Flashcards
What was the character of Publius Cornelius Scipio like
Very confident, Enthusiastic, very popular
What were Publius Cornelius Scipio Tactics like
Aggressive tactics – He wants to attack Hannibal immediately before he reaches Italy
What was the outcome for Publius Cornelius Scipio
Fails to prevent Hannibal reaching Italy – Underestimates him. Defeat at Tiscinus leads to him becoming overly cautious and leads to him arguing to co-consul at Trebia
What was the character of Tiberius Sempronius Longus like
Wanted a victory for personal reasons, his consulship would expire at the end of the month, desperate, confident, prepared
What were Tiberius Sempronius Longus Tactics like
Chase tactics - Longus is taunted into chasing Hannibal’s men who threw spears and feigned a retreat, his men had not slept well or eaten
What was the outcome for Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Romans are marched through a river, becoming cold, tired and hungry. They suffer heavy losses and Longus eventually orders a retreat. Hannibal then uses Mago to attack the Romans from behind. Longus and 10,000 principes escape while the rest are slaughtered.
How was Tiberius Sempronius Longus portrayed by the ancient sources
Livy 21.52-53
‘Eager for battle, having already made up his mind to fight, Semperonius led out the whole of his cavalry’
What was the character of Gaius Flaminius like
Calm senate.
Seeks popular support.
Driven by personal ambition. #
Failed to think rationally when preparing for war.
Quick to temper.
Rash actions.
What were Gaius Flaminius Tactics like
Was originally defence tactics. Pushed to anger by Hannibal, burning the countryside, which lead him to anger, and to run straight into a trap.
How was Gaius Flaminius portrayed by the ancient sources
Polybius: “Flaminius was a mere mob-orator and demagogue, with no ability for the actual conduct of military affairs”
“Flaminius leadership is given by polybius and livy as the main reason for defeat in the battle of Trasimene.”
What was the outcome for Gaius Flaminius
Roman Massacre, and a Roman loss. Flaminius also lost his life.
What was the character of Quintus Fabius Maximus like
Dictator with a strong understanding of politics. Known as a great war general – defeat of the Ligurians – Served during first Punic war. Very superstitious – helped bring back the roman gods. String.
What were Quintus Fabius Maximus tactics like
Regrouped Rome and changed tactics – group of small battles (attrition). Stalked Hannibal – attacked only raiding parties. Used ‘Scorched earth policy’ - stopped Hannibal from using Roman supplies. Tried starving Hannibal.
How was Quintus Fabius Maximus portrayed by the ancient sources
Polybius, Plutarch and Livy all agreed with Fabius’ strategy.
What was the outcome for Quintus Fabius Maximus
Fabius was re-elected as Dictator.
What was the character of Marcus Minucius like
Master of the Horse, Fabius’ political rival, becomes increasingly arrogant and reckless, gets left in charge of the army when Maximus is recalled and wins a battle, public orders he is made dictator, realised his mistakes against Hannibal and steps back down to be the Master of the Horse
What were Marcus Minucius Tactics like
Turned Fabius’ own new recruits against him in protest, claims that Fabius, attempts to weaken Rome by making a pact with Hannibal, prepared for war but is baited by a small group of Hannibal’s troops and falls into his trap, hidden soldiers surrounded Minucius
What was the outcome for Marcus Minucius
“They made Fabius an object of mockery and nicknamed him Hannibal’s ‘minder’. By contrast, they has the highest regard for Minucius as being the sort of ‘real’ general that Rome deserved.”
How was Marcus Minucius portrayed by the ancient sources
Minucius successfully takes the place as dictator from Fabius but he makes a pact with Hannibal and loses to Hannibal and steps back down showing how Hannibal easily manipulates the Romans to his will by turning them against each other using clever tactics.
What was the character of Lucius Aemillius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro like
Paullus was cautious and did not take many risks from a military standpoint.
Varro is portrayed as “headstrong and impetuous”. Varro was overconfident and eager to fight hannibal. Varro had been a politician in Rome before becoming consul, supposedly even during this time he was “a madman.”
What were the tactics of Lucius Aemillius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro
Paullus had far more cautious tactics than Varro. Paullus likely did have an impact on the strategy, but most blame goes to Varro.
Varro was very aggressive. He believed that his larger force would be able to defeat Hannibal. Varro however did attempt to rectify the mistakes of the previous consuls however this had little impact at Cannae.
How were Lucius Aemillius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro portrayed in the anceint sources
Livy presents Paullus as a more cautious general than Varro, this pattern of a cautious consul and a rash consul shows a lot in roman writing. “a cowardly and unenterprising general.” Livy heavily favours Fabius, so Paullus having a conversation with Fabius could show intelligence.
Livy presents Varro as rash and impetuous, even as “insane before he stood for consulship”. And that to Paullus he was a greater enemy than Hannibal. This is similar to Flaminius where -after a defeat- the romans use the general as a scapegoat and claim that he was a madman, this is unlikely.
What was the outcome for Lucius Aemillius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro
Paullus’ strategy of a more cautious general is unsuccessful as Varro gets his way and fighting does happen at cannae, which, of course, was a disaster.
Paullus dies at Cannae.
The aggressive strategy of Varro led to the roman disaster of Cannae, however his strategy was not as bad as previous battles. Cannae caused the death of up to 70,000 soldiers for Rome, (more likely 40,000,) including three consuls. This causes cities such as Capua to defect to Hannibal. However Hannibal fails to properly capitalise from victory at Cannae.
What was the character of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus like
Brave, ambitious, Tactful, Smart, Kind, Aggressive
What were the tactics of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus
Controlled the Mediterranean gave them open supply lines which the Carthagians lacked.
Managed to capture the Carthaginian headquarters in Iberia and also controlled their port in Iberia and started to disrupt their supply lines.
Gained allies in Iberia.
Aggressively attacked Hasdrubal’s forces before Hasdrubal could reinforce Hannibal in Italy. This caused panic in Hasdrubal’s army and lead to Hasdrubal being killed by Gaius Claudius Nero at the battle of Metaurus.
After the Carthagians sent reinforcements to Mago in Iberia, Scipio sent his deputy, Silanus, to do a surprise attack on the Carthaginian army which caused panic and lead to the disbanding of the Carthaginian army and drove them out of Iberia.
Formed alliances with African states such as Numidia.
Sieged the city of Utica, near Carthage, and burnt the Carthaginian camp killing 40,000 Carthaginians.
How was Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus portrayed in the anceint sources.
Livvy 26.46-47 – Scipio’s forces massacred the soldiers who were defending New Carthage and gained lots of silver and soldiers for his army.
What was the outcome for Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus.
Scipio was able to drive the Carthaginians out of Iberia, destroyed a large portion of their army and secured an important position in both Iberia and the area around Carthage which forced Rome and Carthage to engage in peace talks but when Hannibal arrived back in Carthage, both sides got ready for war.