Why Projects Fail Flashcards
What is the project environment?
the context in which the project is undertaken. <br></br>PM must understand the environmental forces <br></br>(internal and external to the organisation) that can impact the project
macro-environmental factors
political - policies, pressure groups, the media
economic - customer demand and ability to supply
socio-cultural - demographics, values, attitudes
technological - use of technology to facilitate project activities, processes or communities
legal- ensuring projects are within the law; contracts, health and safety etc.
environmental - physical environment e.g. climate, natural resources
micro-environmental factors
factors directly surrounding the project itself or the client/host organisation <br> - market rejections (market failure) <br> - technical <br> - administrative <br> - political <br> - cultural <br> - motivational <br>
market failure
client/end user/intended beneficiary did not want what the project delivered
- client, buyers, end user not consulted properly<br></br>
- too late to market (window of opportunity passed)<br></br>
how can it be avoided?<br></br>
- spend more time understanding needs <br></br>
- communication
project did not 'work' as specified <br> why? <br> - over-ambitious requirements <br> - poor command over resources <br>
how can it be avoided? <br></br>
- judge whether something can realistically be achieved <br></br>
- do not over-promise <br></br>
- make full use of project management tools
failure to plan, implement, monitor and control effectively
common outcomes include technical problems, time and cost overruns
how can it be avoided? <br></br>
- more time planning and monitoring <br></br>
- make use of project management tools <br></br>
political; why are projects political?
= the way in which people acquire and leverage power to get things done their way
why are projects political? <br></br>
- outside organisational rules, processes <br></br>
- not everyone will agree with project <br></br>
- conflicting objectives/priorities <br></br>
- ego
organisational culture<br></br>
problems; <br></br>
- stuck on ‘what works’ closes minds to new ideas <br></br>
- people become complacent and resist challenges <br></br>
- groupthink <br></br>
- disregard for changing market conditions
Difficult to change even when it is strangling an organisation. <br></br> Projects bring about change so are susceptible to resistance
PM fails to motivate people to act in the way the project needs <br> why? <br> - lacks power <br> - poor leadership <br> - people have conflicting priorities/loyalties <br> - unclear communication <br> - cultural problems <br>
people are most loyal to those who control their long-term prospects (i.e. manager over PM) <br></br>
what can PM do? <br></br>
- understand what motivates individuals <br></br>
- cooperation <br></br>
what kind of political problems arise?
blocking (may cause halting, delay) <br> power struggles (takes up management time) <br> decreasing trust in organisation <br> unpleasant atmosphere
political; what can PM do to?
build up social and political capital through <br></br>
- develop alliances with influential people <br></br>
- develop good working relationships with team members <br></br>
- develop reputation as knowledgeable/expert
Gain support from others <br></br>
- understand goals/objectives of others <br></br>
what is blocking
political problems often result in blocking, meaning that access to a resource is blocked <br></br>
e. g. insufficisnt support from those who have control over resources may result in those resources not being available <br></br>
e. g. may be unable to gain agreement over something can result in stonewalling (refusal to answer questions, evasive answers)
what is stonewalling?
Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies, esp. in politics.
why do people resist projects (cultural)?
uncertainty, fear of the unknown <br></br>
poor communication, misinformation <br></br>
low trust environment <br></br>
strong peer pressure against change <br></br>
cultural; what can PM do?
proactively communicate with those in the organisation affected by change esp. those with access to resources <br></br>
involve, listen, respond
Skills needed of project manager
balance of technical, administrative, strategic and human
initiator (generating ideas/proposals) <br></br>
manager (effective use of resources) <br></br>
leader (influence) <br></br>
administrator (plan, monitor, control) <br></br>
negotiatior (win agreements) <br></br>
salesperson (convince others of benefits of projects) <br></br>
politician (develop and use power/capital effectively)
Example of failed project
G4S Olympics 2012 <br></br>
3.5k military personnel had to fill the gaps of G4S during the olympics. <br></br> <br></br>
Reasons for failure include; <br></br>
- poor communication with workers
- failure to appreciate size and complexity of project.
- Administrative failure