Why Do People Lie And How Often Are You Lied To Flashcards
Pull the wool over someone’s eyes
to deceive someone:
Get a kick out of sth
To enjoy sth very much
Favorably (adv)
in a way that is positive (opinion of somebody about …)
Poll (v,n)
a study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person
Pull/throw/take a sickie
a day when a worker says they are ill when they are not, in order to stay at home and not go to work:
Excuse (n)
a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong:
interpret (v)
to describe the meaning of something; examine in order to explain
polarised (adj)
to cause people in a group to have opposing positions:
budding (adj)
growing or developing:
intention (n)
something that you want and plan to do:
tell porkies (idiom)
To tell a lie
footage (n)
film or videotape that shows a single event or place:
underestimate (v)
a guess about the amount, cost, size, etc. of something that is less than the real amount, cost, etc.
slope (n)
to be at an angle to the horizontal:
immoral (adj)
not following accepted standards of morally right behavior or thought:
stimulus (n)
something that causes growth, activity, or reaction:
commit (v)
to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong:
to commit an offence
implication (n)
- an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly:
- a possible effect or result of an action or a decision
The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be for our department.
have implication (of something) for something