Do police sketches actually help catch criminals? Flashcards
decent (n)
socially acceptable or good:
I thought he was a decent person.
pale (adj)
used to describe a person’s face or skin if it has less colour than usual
You’re looking pale - are you feeling well?
pointy (adj)
shaped into a point:
She was wearing a pointy hat.
almond (n)
an edible oval nut with a hard shell, or the tree that it grows on
wide-set (eyes)
Wide-set eyes are far apart on someone’s face:
recreate (v)
to make something exist or happen again:
They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.
suspect (n)
someone who police, employers, or other authorities believe has committed a crime:
forensic (adj)
using the methods of science to provide information about a crime:
forensic psychologist
bomber (n)
a person who uses bombs:
serial (adj)
used to describe a person who repeatedly commits a similar crime
serial murders/killings
prompt (v)
to make something happen:
The bishop’s speech has prompted an angry response
guesstimate (n)
an approximate calculation of the size or amount of something when you do not know all the facts:
holistically (adv)
in a way that deals with or treats the whole of something or someone and not just a part:
The problem needs to be addressed holistically.
able to be exchanged with each other without making any difference or without being noticed:
computerized (v)
controlled by or produced by a computer, especially when something was previously done by people or other machines:
customize (v)
to make or change something according to the buyer’s or user’s needs
Employees can customize the software to suit their needs.
scroll (v)
to move text or other information on a computer screen in order to see a different part of it:
Scroll to the end of the document.
hurdle (n)
-A frame or fence for jumping over in a race:
-A hurdle is also a difficulty to be dealt with:
There are a lot of hurdles to overcome
perpetrator (n)
someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act
swap (v)
to give something and be given something else instead:
When you’ve finished reading your book, can we swap?
mismatch (v)
to put together people or things that are unsuitable for each other:
composite (n)
something that is made of various different parts:
a composite material
tweak (v)
to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
The software needs a little tweaking
pleasantness (n)
the quality of being enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like:
Her pleasantness was followed by a request for money.
de-emphasize (v)
To remove or reduce the emphasis from something; to make something less important; to play down.
This vision would de-emphasize Iraq’s role in the Arab world.
identifiable (adj)
able to be recognized:
In her yellow coat, she was easily identifiable in the crowd
rapist (n)
a person who forces someone to have sex with them:
The police have caught the rapist.
nonetheless (adv)
despite what has just been said or done:
It was a small donation, but it was gratefully received nonetheless.
invaluable (adj)
extremely useful
The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
push someone over the line
someone who is pushing their luck or taking a risk that could have severe consequences