Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men Flashcards
escalator (n)
stairs that moves by electric power
a money pit
something on which you keep having to spend a lot of money, especially when it may be a waste of money
a boat is just a money pit
renaissance (n)
the period of new growth of interest and activity in the areas of art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries
intentional (adj)
planned or intended:
screw (something) up (phv)
to make a mistake, or to spoil something:
I totally screwed up the chemistry exam.
depiction (n)
the way that something is represented or shown:
The painter’s depictions of war won her a worldwide reputation.
homunculus (n)
a very small human or human-like creature
philosopher (n)
someone who studies or writes about the meaning of life:
overlap (v)
to have some parts or features that are the same:
My musical tastes don’t overlap with my brother’s at all.
unfold (v)
(of a situation or story) to develop or become clear:
Events unfolded in a way that no one could have predicted.
ditch (v)
to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted:
Did you know that Sarah ditched her boyfriend last week?
idealize (adj)
to think of or represent someone or something as perfect:
Thoreau seemed to idealize the women close to him.
abstraction (n)
the quality of existing as or representing an idea, a feeling, etc. and not a material object, or something that has this quality (not real)
black holes are no longer mathematical abstractions.
cherub (n)
an angel that is represented in art as a beautiful, fat, naked child with small wings
pinch (v)
to tightly press something, esp. someone’s skin, between your finger and thumb or between two surfaces:
Ouch! Stop pinching (me)!