Who Said That? (Roman) Flashcards
You killed our mother and you shall die for it.
Romulus and Remus
Go tell my people that it is the will of the gods that Rome shall be the greatest city of the world.
apparition of Romulus
So perish the Roman who weeps for her country’s enemy.
Down with Tarquin the tyrant! No more kings!
Junius Brutus
Behold how little we Romans care for pain when it is to defend our country.
If the people want corn, let them first give up their tribunes.
Oh Mother…you have saved Rome, but you have ruined your son.
Villain, we Romans are not so base as you are.
The first duty of a soldier is obedience.
The stain on this toga shall be washed out in your blood!
A few more such victories and I must return to Epirus alone!
The tongue of Cineas wins more cities than the sword of Pyrrhus.
Greek saying
I have given my word of honor to return, and I cannot break it.
Take your sweetheart and go. I set you both free. Go and be happy, and in the future be friends of Rome.
Scipio Africanus
I should then have said that I was greater than Alexander, greater than Pyrrhus, and greater than all other generals.
And my opinion is that Carthage must be destroyed.
These are my jewels.
Never mind the Teutones and the Ambrones, they have lands already. We have given them some which they will keep forever. We will give you the same.
Go to your governor, and tell him that you saw Caius Marius sitting on the ruins of Carthage.
It it is the wish of the Senate, I will shortly make a list of persons who must die!
In that young man there is many a Marius.
Poor as this village is, I would rather be first here than second in Rome!
Julius Caesar
You too, Brutus!
Julius Caesar
You may laugh at me now, but the time will come when I shall be master of the Romans.
Octavius (Augustus)
My poor stepbrother always was subject to fits.
I have lost a day.
No, not even a fly.
servant of Domitian
Thou has conquered, O Galilean.
Julian the Apostate