Who Said That? (Middle Ages) Flashcards
Rome always needs good soldiers.
To be master of the Roman Empire is indeed worth trying for.
Alaric (the Visigoth)
I shall never be defeated in battle as long as I fight with the sword of Tiew.
Attila the Hun
Here I will perish in the flames, rather than surrender to my enemies.
Attila the Hun
Never shall I go back to Spain until I am master of Africa.
Genseric (the Vandal)
This is the country which shall be our home.
I will give you thousands of pounds of gold and silver if you will agree to go back to your own country.
A boy! A boy has come to fight me.
Ay, but this boy will conquer you.
O God of Clotilde, help me in this my hour of need. If thou wilt give me victory now, I will believe in thee.
I have given my promise and I must keep it.
There is but one God. Mohammed is God’s prophet.
Pepin ought to be king of the Franks, for he has all the power.
friends of Pepin
Long live Charles Augustus, Emperor of the Romans
Pope Leo III
Tell the Empress that I will spare Constantinople if she will pay me 700,000 pieces of gold as a yearly tribute.
She ought to have made you pay tribute to her.
Thou shalt not hear, thou shalt SEE my reply.
Oh, they would be angels instead of Angles if they were only Christians, for they certainly have the faces of angels.
the monk Gregory
Let us make ourselves homes here, and I and my Vikings will become your vassals.
Never will I bend my knee before any man and no man’s foot will I kiss.
You, King Alfred, were the wandering minstrel!
I will give you your liberty if you will become a Christian and never again make war on my people.
Not a piece of gold will be given you. Our truce is ended.
Henry the Fowler
Learn how feeble is the power of earthly kings. None is worthy of the name of king but He whom heaven and earth and sea obey.
I am St. Lazarus, the leper to whom thou wast so kind. Because I have breathed upon thee, thou shalt accomplish whatever thou shalt undertake in peace or in battle.
St. Lazarus
Life’s but a walking shadow…
I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet…
I live! I live! Fight on! We shall conquer yet!
William the Conqueror
I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile.
Pope Gregory VII
I cannot wear a crown of gold where Christ wore one of thorns, nor will I be called king in the land where once lived the King of Kings.
Godfrey of Bouillon
When the ravens cease to fly around the mountain, Barbarossa shall awake and restore Germany to its ancient greatness.
German legend
Is there no one who will rid me of this turbulent priest?
Henry II
Here I am, no traitor but a priest of God.
Thomas Becket
The cross! The cross!
Louis IX
Sing in the name of God. Shout forth his praises as we sail away.
Louis IX
Yes, I am about to take a wife of surpassing fairness.
St. Francis
If the spider has courage to try again, I will also try to free Scotland.
Robert Bruce
Now, my friends, I will show you something that will please you.
Marco Polo
I will prove myself a true knight. My father is right. I need no aid.
Edward the Black Prince
Prince, you are the conqueror of the French. Cheer, cheer for the Black Prince! Cheer for the hero of Crecy!
Edward III
Make way for liberty!
Arnold von Winkelried
As there is but one God in heaven, there ought to be but one ruler on the earth.
I would not have a single man more. If God gives us victory, it will be plain we owe it to His grace. If not, the fewer we are, the less loss for England.
Henry V
War has three handmaidens: fire, blood, and famine. I have chosen the meekest of the three.
Henry V
God has sent me to deliver France from her enemies.
Joan of Arc
I hear the heavenly voices no more and I am afraid.
Joan of Arc
England will not long endure the misrule of a king who is half the time out of his mind.
Earl of Warwick