100 Drill Questions for the Middle Ages Flashcards
Barbarian tribe that sacked Rome in 410 AD
Leader of the tribe that sacked Rome in 410 AD
Roman general who was major rival of Alaric
To surround with hostile forces
The “Scourge of God” and “Fear of the World”
Attila the Hun
The armies that joined forces to defeat the Huns at Chalon
Romans and Visigoths
Roman general who defeated Attila
General who defeated Attila after the death of his father on the battlefield
Person who persuaded Attila not to attack Rome
Pope Leo I
Vandal king who conquered North Africa
Roman noble who murdered Valentinium to gain control of Roman throne
Widow of Valentinian who enlisted Vandal aid
Leader of the tribe that sacked Rome in 455 AD
Genseric the Vandal
Roman general who fled in shame after Genseric set Roman fleet on fire
Last emperor of the Western Roman Empire
Romulus Augustulus
Barbarian responsible for the fall of Rome in 476 AD
Ostrogoth king who killed Odoacer, taking possession of Roman Empire
Established monastery with vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Benedictine monk who became Pope and reorganized the church
Gregory I
King of the Franks who converted to Christianity in 496 AD
Roman general defeated by the King of the Franks, a mere boy
Christian wife of Clovis
Emperor who reconquered Rome and North Africa for the Roman Empire
Justinian’s great generals
Belisarius and Narses
Codified Roman law that became basis of much of today’s European law
Code of Justinian
Founder of Islam
Holy book of the Muslims
First convert to Islam
Flight from Mecca that marks start of Islamic calendar
Flight of the Hejira
Date of Mohammed’s flight from Mecca
622 AD
Muslim holy city, birthplace of Mohammed
Frank who established the Church as a state in Italy
Pepin the Short
Frank who defeated the Muslims at Tours, ending Muslim expansion into Europe
Charles Martel
Muslim general defeated at battle of Tours
King of France crowned Roman Emperor in 800 AD
Muslim leader of an Islamic country
Muslim leader who admired Charlemagne and sent him a clock and an elephant
First king to rule England as a united kingdom
Egbert the Saxon
Missionary who spread Christianity throughout Ireland
St. Patrick
Viking king who won Normandy from the French in a peace agreement
King of France who let the Vikings become French vassals in return for land
Charles the Simple
He would kiss no one’s foot
Rollo the Viking
King of England who built the first British navy and conquered the Danes
Alfred the Great
King of the Germans who conquered the Magyars
Henry the Fowler
Danish king who invaded England and took English crown
Anglo-Saxon king who fled to Normandy when defeated by Danes
Ethelred the Unready
He hated flattery and could not hold back the tides
Son of Sweyn who ruled England with Edmund Ironside, until Edmund’s death
First German ruler to take the title of Holy Roman Emperor
Spanish hero and soldier who defeated the Muslim Moors
El Cid
Saxon king of England would rather be in church and who died without an heir
Edward the Confessor
King of Scotland who was killed by Macbeth
Son of slain King of Scotland who drove Macbeth out and took throne
Norman who came to England to claim the throne - and took it
William the Conqueror
Battle marking the end of Saxon reign in England and the beginning of Norman reign
battle of Hastings
Saxon king of England defeated and killed by Norman army
Harold Godwinson
Native of Normandy descended from Norsemen
Date of the battle of Hastings
1066 AD
Holy Roman Emperor who was excommunicated for refusal to recognize the authority of the Pope
Henry IV
Pope who excommunicated the Holy Roman Emperor, but died in exile
Gregory VII
Pope who called for the First Crusade
Urban II
Muslim rulers of Jerusalem after 1070 AD
Series of wars to take the Holy Land from the Muslims
Leader of the First Crusade army, who became king of the Holy Land
Godfrey of Bouillon
Monk who took up cause of First Crusade
Peter the Hermit
German emperor who drowned in his armor on the way to the Holy Land
Frederick Barbarossa
Leader of the Muslims in their recapture of Jerusalem
English king who accidentally had the Archbishop of Canterbury put to death
Henry II
Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered by the king’s men
Thomas Becket
Henry II’s “turbulent priest”
Thomas Becket
Henry II’s wife
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Lion-hearted king of England who led the Third Crusade
Richard I
King of France who fought in two crusades and was sainted for his piety
St. Louis IX
Most valuable document ever granted by a sovereign to his people; signed at Runnymede in 1215 AD
Magna Carta
Order of monks that did not separate itself from the world
Order of monks devoted to spreading Christian education
King of Scotland who won Scotland’s independence from England
Robert Bruce
King of England who took for himself the throne of Scotland
Edward I
Scottish knight who raised a rebellion against the English and was put to death by the English king
William Wallace
English king who recognized Scotland’s independence and acknowledged Bruce as king
Edward III
He gained courage from a spider to try again to free Scotland
Robert Bruce
Venetian prince and explorer to China who was inspiration for Columbus
Marco Polo
Emperor of China during Marco Polo’s visit
Kublai Khan
Son of Edward III who was a great military leader against the French
Edward the Black Prince
French king defeated by the English in the battle of Poitiers
Swiss mountaineer who organized revolt against Austrian rule
William Tell
Mongol warlord who established one of the largest Asian empires in history
English king who conquered France, regaining lands that had belonged to his ancestor, William the Conqueror
Henry V
The three handmaidens of war, according to Henry V
Battle of 1415 in which the English army defeated a French army four times their size
French peasant girl who fought for the French army and was burned at the stake
Joan of Arc
Inventor of movable type, transforming the printing industry
The kingmaker
Long struggle for power between the Lancastrian and Yorkist factions
War of the Roses
Periodically mad king during the War of the Roses
Henry VI
Murdered two young princes to become king of England
Richard III
English king who ended the War of the Roses
Henry Tudor (VII)
Political and social system of controlling land through lords and vassals
feudal system
Mounted soldier serving under a feudal lord
Period in history from the fall of Rome to around 1000 AD
Dark Ages