Who in the Room? Flashcards
Who here is most likely to [X]? (At the count of 3, everyone points.) Endless laughs!
Who in the room:
dresses the sharpest on a regular day?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
dresses the sharpest for special occasions?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most gullible?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most likely to leave the oven on?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
can’t walk past a mirror without checking themselves out?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest crybaby?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would write obscene words in a bathroom stall?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
can run 5 miles in the shortest amount of time?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was (or is) the biggest class clown?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would accidentally bust out laughing at a funeral?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would say something to a parent who hit their kid in public?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
always gets the latest tech before anyone else?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most likely to write comments in online news articles?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would answer their phone in a public bathroom?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be most ok with naked pics of them leaking online?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would have the hardest time going a month without drinking?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
most believes in conspiracy theories?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
always looks on the bright side of life?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has been on TV the most times?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
can swear in the most languages?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the worst handwriting?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is hardest to recognize in pictures from when they were 7?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
finds it hardest to say No when asked for a favor?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest gossip?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
abides by the “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” philosophy at home?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would start (or has started) a YouTube channel?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has gotten stitches the most times?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
spends the most time watching sports?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would you call to bail you out of jail?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would win in a fight if we all got in a brawl with each other?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the most cavities?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
takes hotel shampoo bottles home with them?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would eat a spoonful of dog shit for the least amount of money?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would break up with someone via text message?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would cut their own hair to save money?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would chicken out on the bungee jumping tower?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most concerned about global warming?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
spends the most time getting ready?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would have the least problem working for a tobacco company?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the most speeding tickets?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has shoplifted the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst at keeping secrets?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be the sleaziest used car salesperson?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
could do the best Donald Duck impression?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most clueless about social media etiquette?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is laziest about recycling?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was most likely to cheat on a test back in school?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has read the most books for pleasure?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has read the least books for pleasure?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the best singing voice?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the worst singing voice?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the best regular speaking voice (e.g. for radio)?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
farts the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst driver?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best driver?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has tried the greatest variety of drugs?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has matured the most in the past few years?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would arrive late to a job interview?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most likely to be remembered in 100 years?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has been arrested the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
talks on the phone the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
texts the most while driving?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most addicted to their phone?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
gets the hangriest?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best public speaker?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best gift-giver?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most confident?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
could do the most push-ups?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
hung out with the bad kids at school?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would tell a telemarketer to go to hell?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would drink too much at a party?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would change their life the least if they won $50 million?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most dogmatic about their beliefs?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be the best game show host?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
spends the most time in the bathroom?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the messiest person at home?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
gives the biggest tips to service providers?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be least likely to survive on a desert island?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the sorest loser?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest klutz?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
makes the best music playlists?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest news junkie?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would make the best high school teacher?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most likely to move abroad one day?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
knows the least about sports?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
knows the most about sports?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be the best actor?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the highest tolerance for spicy food?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would get into a bar fight?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst at accepting criticism?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the most juvenile humor?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
most often interrupts others when they’re talking?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most punctual?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the least punctual?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most competitive?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the best poker face?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best at making new friends?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was the most annoying little kid?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest know-it-all?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was most popular in elementary school?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
will live the longest?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best cook (without a recipe)?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would laugh if they saw a stranger fall down on the street?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
doesn’t make their bed in the morning?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would spend the most time comparing prices before buying a TV?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
had (or has) the highest GPA in school?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the best laugh?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
tears up at sentimental commercials?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most likely to be CEO of a Fortune 500 company?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the fastest to text you back?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most often told they look like a celebrity?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the worst spelling?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would pay the most for a great pair of jeans?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most addicted to video games (including on phone)?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
flosses the least often?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was (or is) the biggest teacher’s pet?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest cheapskate?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest swearer / has the dirtiest mouth?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest flirt?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most intimidating to strangers?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is most likely to put their foot in their mouth / say the wrong thing?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the biggest hypochondriac?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
posts the most on social media?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
puts toilet paper on the seat in public restrooms?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
will still party the most at age 85?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst tipper?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has been to the most countries?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the best at trivia?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst at responding to emails?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
takes life too seriously?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most intellectual?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is (or was) the biggest heartbreaker?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has been dumpster diving?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would snoop in someone else’s medicine cabinet?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the most organized closets?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst at getting out of bed in the morning?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
tells the best stories?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most mysterious (you’re always learning new things about them)?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most flexible?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
watches the most TV?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
uses their hands the most when they talk?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was (or is) a bully in school?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
can never admit they’re wrong?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would have the least problem buying fake designer clothes?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
gives the most compliments?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
exaggerates the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
falls asleep the fastest?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
had the richest parents growing up?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the least likely to wear a seat belt in a car?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would pick a nickel off the street?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would be (or is) the best boss?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
excercises the most ?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most romantic?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the least romantic?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
could hold their breath the longest?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
goes the longest without washing their towel?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would responsibly leave a note on a car they’d accidentally scratched?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was the most spoiled as a child?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
was the most independent as a child?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the most road rage?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
uses the most creative slang?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the worst at using chopsticks?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would eat leftover fries from a stranger who just left a bar?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
will be the richest in 20 years?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
is the most stubborn?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
has the coolest job?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would you most trust to be the executor of your will (excluding your partner)?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room:
would survive the longest in solitary confinement before going crazy?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room
do you admire the most?
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room
gets the worst FOMO? (fear of missing out)
At the count of 3, everyone points to the person whom they think fits the description
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)
Who in the room
would you pick to make your party music playlist?
(See who got the most votes, and discuss!)