Deep Discussion Questions Flashcards
Really get to know each other. Be careful: Some of these may take you out of your comfort zone!
What emotion do you think you experience more intensely than other people do?
Some sample emotions to get you thinking: anxious, angry, frustrated, joyful, sad, awestruck, scared, worried, annoyed, laughing, bravery, contentment, confident, startled, craving, love, gratitude, finding things cute, jealousy, embarrassment, etc.
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the most intense emotional pain you’ve ever experienced?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Is there anything about this [event/night] that made you nervous beforehand?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is an offensive comment made about you before that you simply cannot forget or let go?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have your parents done a good job?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
How have you disappointed your parents?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Which of your achievements are you most proud of?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Do you have any life regrets? What would you change?
Alternate or Addendum: If you went back to that age to give yourself that advice, do you think you would have accepted it?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the most intense physical pain you’ve ever experienced?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
How can you tell if someone REALLY knows and understands you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What are your coping mechanisms for stress?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What have you done that you are most ashamed of?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you could ask the universe one question and get the truth, what would you want to know?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Would you prefer to date someone 20 IQ points higher or 5 points lower than you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you had to pick two people from this group to be your parents, who would you pick and why? (doesn’t need to be a couple or even the same sex)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What about your appearance would you like to change?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the most significant thing you’ve ever changed your mind about?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What about your personality would you like to change?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What was the last thing you cried about? When was it?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What was your biggest financial mistake?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What are you waiting to hear from someone close to you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What emotion/feeling are you currently suppressing or ignoring?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
In what ways do you tend to fail at communication?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What do you still owe someone an apology for?
Why haven’t you done it yet?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is currently your greatest insecurity?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What do you think enlightenment is?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Apologize to someone in the group for something you’ve done to them
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Would you rather double the amount of emotional pain and pleasure you feel on a daily basis, or cut both in half?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever had (what you consider to be) a spiritual experience? If so, what was it like and what effects did it have on you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Would you rather be blind or deaf? (You must choose one)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What about yourself have you been trying to fix for a long time?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
In what ways don’t you trust yourself?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What relatively common experience have you never had?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What difficult or painful experience would you actually recommend to everyone?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the best advice you’ve received, and why did you need it?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the most sick (mental or physical) you’ve ever been?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is something that would make you a better person, but you just don’t want to do it?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Which of your habits conflicts with your values?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What was the most difficult thing you’ve ever had to do?
(Either difficult skill-wise, or difficult to emotionally bring yourself to do)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Whom among the people we know do you want to get to know better?
(It could be someone here, or someone else we all know)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
With whom among the people we know do you wish you could take back a certain interaction you’ve had?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever had an epiphany? What did you realize?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever been fired from a job or kicked off a team? For what?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s something you believe that almost nobody you know believes?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What do you think people dislike the most about you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What gives you the most anxiety?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever been to therapy? Was/is it helpful?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the most difficult conversation you’ve ever had?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
When you’re not around, what do you want people to say about you?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)