Casual Discussion Questions Flashcards
Easy icebreaker questions that will have everyone laughing
Who was your first celebrity crush, and are you still into them?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you got to choose your name, what would it be and why?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Do you have a secret talent? Can you do it right now?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is your guilty pleasure song?
(i.e. the song you’re embarrassed to love)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the worst fashion or hair decision you’ve ever made? Do you have a picture of it?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What did you used to want to be when you grew up?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the worst date you’ve been on?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is your most unpopular food opinion?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What character from a movie/book/show do you relate to the most and why?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What book would you recommend everyone here read?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the best Wi-Fi name you’ve ever seen?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Did you ever get in big trouble at school? What for?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the weirdest show or movie you cried in?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What emojis do you use more than the average person?
Or: “What’s your favorite emoji to use in text conversations?”
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Can you do any celebrity impressions?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever been voted for a superlative award? (e.g. Best Dressed, Class Clown, Most Likely to X, etc)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the dumbest injury you’ve ever had?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
How would everyone here rate their driving skills on a scale of 1-10?
(5 is average)
(Everyone answer)
What are 3 things you’d do if you won $100 million?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If money didn’t matter, what job would you have?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What food that many people love do you find the most disgustingly repulsive?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What are the best 3 TV shows of all time?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What food are you most likely to binge so much of that you get sick?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you had to give an intellectual presentation (e.g. a TED talk) and had less than 1 day to prepare it, what topic would it be about?
(i.e. What would be the title?)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What TV show have you binged the most of in a 3-day period?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What’s the most surprising thing you recently learned about somebody here?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What irrational fear did you have as a child? What about now?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the most hysterically you have ever laughed?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Do you pee in the shower?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you could go on a solo trip anywhere in the world for a month, where would you go?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Have you ever sharted, and if so, what was the situation?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the grossest thing you’ve ever put in your mouth? What would it take for you to do it again?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you just found out that the person to your left was recently arrested, what do you think it would have been for?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Show a scar on your body and share the story behind it.
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What part of your personal hygiene do you admit you should care for more thoroughly?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Do your best impersonation of the person sitting to your right.
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If your home caught fire, what is the first thing you would save if you had the chance (besides pets, people, etc.)?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you could only do 3 exercises for the rest of your life to stay fit, what exercises would you do?
(e.g. dumbbell curls, jogging, etc.)
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What day from your past do you wish you could relive?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Do you believe in soulmates?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met? How did it go?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
If you had to eat only one dish for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What movie is totally overrated?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What band or musical artist is totally overrated?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)
What is the best concert you’ve ever attended?
(Either answer the question yourself, and/or go around the circle and give others the option to reply. It’s ok to pass.)