White Matter Of Cerebrum Flashcards
1) associate - with in same hemispheres
2) commissural - inter connect similar region in both hemisphere
3) projection - cortical to subcortical
Associate fibers
1) short
2) long
- uncinate - Frontal and temporal
- cingulum - over cingulate gyrus
- superior longitudinal fasiclus - frontal, parital and temporal
- Inferior longitudinal fasiclus - temporal and occipital
- fronto occipital fasciculus.
Commissural fibers
1) corpus callosum 10 cm
> Part
- rostum - interconnect orbital surface of 2 frontal lobe
- genu - most ant part - connect two frontal lobes
- body - parital and temporal to opposite side
- splenium - interconnect two occipital lobe (striate cortex)
> Fibers
- forceps minor - from genu extend to frontal lobe
- forceps major - splenium to occipital
- Tapetum - body and part of splenium will be form in roof and lateral wall of Posterior horn of lateral ventricle.
⟩ Aicardi syndrome
- x linked dominant disorder
- agenesis of corpus callosum
⟩ split brain syndrome
- two cerebrums are not connected
- corpus callosum is absent.
2) Anterior commissure : 1st to develop (ant. Commissure > corpus callosum > fornix). Beneath rostrum of corpus callosum
- Posterior commissure in interior lamina of pineal gland
- habenular in superior lamina of pineal gland
- hippocampus commissure - between RT fornix and LT fornix.
Projection fibers
1) Internal capsule
- connect cortical area to subcortical part
- Anterior limb = between caudate medially and lentiform nucleus laterally. Frontopontine, ant thalamic radiation
- Posterior limb - between thalamus medially, lentiform nucleus laterally. Corticospinal and rubrospinal, superior thalamic
- genu = between Posterior and Anterior limb. Cortico nuclear, superior thalamic
- retrolentiform - parieto pontine, occipito pontine, optic radiation1
- sub lentiform - parieto pontine, temporo pontine, auditory radiation.
2) corona radiata
3) fornix - arise from hippocampus
Has every type of fibers A>C>P
- arch around the thalamus
- connect - hippocampus to mammliary body, ant nuclei thalamus to mammliary body via mammillo thalamic track.
Blood supply to internal capsule
Type of cerebral arteries
1) cortical - outer part of cerebrum
2) central branch - interior of cerebrum by striate artery
3) choroidal - choroid plexus.
MCA supply lateral part of brain - give raise to lateral striate artery.(artery of charcot haemorrhage)
ACA supply medial surface of cerebrum - give raise to medial striate Artery.(recurrent Artery of heubner.)
PCA supply - Posterior striate Artery.
> Limb - Dorsal . - ventral (inferior)
- Anterior. - MCA. - recurrent Artery of heubner
- Posterior. - MCA. - Anterior Choroid artery and PCA
- Genu. - MCA. - direct branch from internal carotid.
- RL/SL. - Anterior Choroidal artery.
Intracerebral branch of ICA
- ant cerebral
- middle cerebral
- ant choroidal
- Posterior communicating
- opthalmic
1) charcot Bouchard aneurysm
2) lesion in Posterior limb
1) aneurysm in striate branch mainly middle
2) dense hemiplegia - hemisensory loss.