When to use "en" Flashcards
What does en do?
It replaces direct objects introduced by articles du, de la, de l’, des, and the negative de.
What does en often correspond to in English?
some, any, or none if negative.
Answer the following with en: Tu as de l’argent?
Oui, j’en ai - Yes, I have (some money)
Non, Je n’en ai pas.
Is there ever agreement with the passé composé when using en? As-tu acheté des livres?
Non, je n’en ais pas acheté. If there were agreement, acheté would have an s on the end.
How can en be used to replace a noun phrase that uses de + a place or thing? Tu viens de la piscine?
Oui, j’en viens (I am coming from there)
What do you do when en replaces a direct object that is introduced by un/une, a number, or expression of quantity?
Avez-vous une auto? Oui, J’en ai une
Avez-vous trop d’examens? Oui, nous en avons trop.