When Technology and Human Cross Flashcards
A word with Greek roots, is defined as, “the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.”
It’s a word used to define or portray the progression, abilities, creations, happenings, interpretation, and knowledge of a singular group of persons and humans.
According to him, technology has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.
Albert Einstein
According to _________, technology has many advantages to humanity. One cannot live without these advancements but there are certain limitations as to what humanity can apply to almost everything they do.
Booch (2003)
What are the 8 Factors that define the limits of technology:
The Law of Physics
The Laws of Software and Algorithms
The Difficulty Distribution
Problems of Design
The Problems of Functionality
The Importance of Organization
The Impact of Economics
The Influence of Politics
What is the Latin word for Humanity?
The Latin word for humanity is Humanitas, which means what?
human nature, kindness
It comprises all humans, also refers to the kind of emotions humans frequently feel for each other.
Technological advancement in the _________ frequently has been reinforced by congressional initiatives for the past 30 and more.
U.S Industry
What seems to have preferred indirect strategies?
Congressional legislation
These are important drivers of current economic performance?
Scientific developments and technological changes
It is facing a crisis since the economic environment of the developing countries are opposing technology based institutions.
Technology Market
The application, use, and distribution of technology require ________ and _______ set by the local and international government.
Ethical Standards and Legal Provisions
What are the ten ethical dilemmas and policy issues for 2015?
- Real-time satellite surveillance video
- Astronaut bioethics (colonizing Mars)
- Wearable technology
- State-sponsored hacktivism and soft war
- Enhanced pathogens
- Non-lethal weapons
- Robot swarms
- Artificial life forms
- Resilient social-ecological systems
- Brain-to-brain interfaces