Module 8: Why the future does not need us? Flashcards
Human interest on technology allows them to expand the range of what?
Human experiences
He is an American computer scientist who is well-known for having written the essay “Why the future doesn’t need us?”, where he expresses deep concern over the development of modern technologies.
William Nelson Joy, commonly known as Bill Joy
What are the four positive views?
Material Standard of Living
Untimely Death is reduced
Improvement in Evolutionary View
Reduced Suffering
Several achievements of modern society draws through the idea that life is getting better.
Material standard of living
Fewer people die in accidents, epidemics, and murder.
Untimely death is reduced
Society is seen as a human tool that is gradually perfected.
Improvement evolutionary view
Traditional religious view of earthly life as a phase of penance awaiting paradise in the afterlife breaks the knowledge that life is getting better.
Reduced Suffering
What are the two negative views?
Contemporary Social Problems
Society Drifting away from human nature
Life is getting worse typically fueled by concern about contemporary social problems. One of the kind problems is deviant behavior, such as criminality, drug use, and school refusal.
Contemporary Social Problems
This view of deterioration is often part of the idea of society drifting away from human nature because society has changed a lot, while human nature is not.
Society drifting away from human nature
Notes that the societies need to protect certain resources such as food, energy, and natural resources in order to sustain their populations.
Tainter (1990)
What are the two different classes of scenarios involving societal collapse?
Local Societal Collapse
Global Societal Collapse
Individual societies can collapse, but this is doubtful to have a determining effect on the future of humanity if other advanced societies survive and take up where the failed societies left off.
Local Societal Collapse
We suppose new kinds of threat (e.g. nuclear holocaust or catastrophic changes in the global environment) or the trend towards globalization increased interdependence of different parts of the world an create a vulnerability to human civilization as a whole.
Global Societal Collapse
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) were powerful weapons had an enormous risk.
Weapon of Mass destruction (WMD)