Wheelock Ch 02 Grammar Flashcards
First Declension Nouns and Adjectives; Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections.
What do the inflections of noun endings do?
They help one identify if the noun functions as the subject or object of a verb, whether it indicates possession, etc.
What are the inflected forms of nouns called?
For what purpose is the Nominative Case used?
It indicates the subject of a finite verb.
When might one see/use a Predicate Nominative?
It is used with forms of to be (sum, ease) and other linking verbs. (ie, Puella est poēta, the girl is a poet).
For what purpose is the Genitive Case used?
It is used for nouns that modify (or limits/specifies/clarifies) another noun.
What is a common idea expressed by the genitive case?
It often indicates possession (ie, the genitive-x “of” so-and-so) or ( so-and-so’s “genitive-x”).
Where in a sentence might the genitive case noun fall?
Usually it follows the noun it modifies/limits/specifies/clarifies.
For what purpose is the Dative Case used?
It is used to mark the person or thing indirectly affected by the action of the verb. It is the case of the Indirect Object.
What is usually provided in translating the Dative case into English?
Usually “To” or “for” are supplied in translating into English.
For what purpose is the Accusative Case used?
It is used to indicated the Direct Object of the verb, the person or thing directly affected by the verb’s action.
For what other purpose can the Accusative Case be used?
It can also be used for nouns that are the object of a preposition, with certain (not all) prepositions. (Ex. AD, toward/at; IN, into; POST, after, behind).
What is a Preposition?
A word placed before a noun or pronoun (it’s object) forming with that object a prepositional phrase.
What does a prepositional phrase do?
It modifies either a noun or a verb. If a noun, it is considered “adjectival”; if a verb, “adverbial”.
With what two cases are most prepositions used?
They are used with the Ablative case or the Accusative case; a few can take both cases but with different shades of meaning.
For what purpose is the Ablative Case used?
It is used to modify, or limit, the verb by such ideas as “means” (“by/with what”), “agent” (“by whom”), “accompaniment” (“with whom”), “manner” (“how”), “place” (“where/from which”), “time” (“when/within which”).
List again six ideas that the Ablative Case is used to modify verbs.
- Means, 2. Agent, 3. Accompaniment, 4. Manner, 5. Place, 6. Time.
What is the Ablative Case often employed as?
It is often employed as the object of a preposition. Therefore, when a preposition is NOT used (but the ablative is), it may be necessary to supply the “by,” “with,” or “from” that sets up the prepositional phrase.
For what purpose is the Vocative Case used?
It is used to address or call on a person or thing directly.
Name a common Interjection used with the Vocative Case.
What are Interjections?
They are exclamatory words “thrown into” a sentence and expressing some emotion.
What common modern punctuation accompanies the Vocative case?
Typically this case is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
What is a modern term for the Vocative Case?
It is the noun/pronoun of Direct Address.
What is a Declension?
It is the listing of all the cases of a noun or adjective. It comes from dēclīnāre, to change the direction or form of something.
How are nouns and adjectives Declined?
They are declined by adding endings to a base.
How is the base of a noun found?
It is found by dropping the genitive ending of a noun (both nominative and genitive forms of nouns are provided in the dictionary entry).
How is the base of an adjective found?
The surest way to find it is to drop the feminine ending (the masculine, feminine, and neuter form of adjectives are provided in the dictionary entry).
What are typical English Articles that must be provided in translation?
“a,” “an,” and “the.”
What is the gender of most First Declension nouns?
This declension of nouns are typically feminine in gender. (Still need to memorize a nouns gender).
What are the singular endings of First Declension nouns and adjectives?
Nom -a (the (a) large gate) Gen. -ae (of the large gate) Dat. -ae (to/for the large gate) Acc. -am (the large gate) Abl. -ā (by/with/from, etc. the large gate) Voc. -a (O large gate)
What are the plural endings of First Declension nouns and adjectives?
Nom -ae (the large gates or large gates)
Gen. -ārum (of the large gates)
Dat. -īs (to/for the large gates)
Acc. -ās (the large gates)
Abl. -īs (by/with/from, etc. the large gates)
Voc. -ae (O large gates)
In what three ways does a declined adjective agree with the noun it modifies?
It agrees with a declined noun in gender, number, and case.
To what does number refer to?
Singular or plural.
Will the adjective necessarily have the same ending to signify gender?
No. Adjectives have varying forms to agree with a particular noun’s gender. (It must agree in gender, but the form of the ending may look different).
What happens when an adjective modifies more than one noun in terms of gender?
It will usually agree in gender with the nearest one, though sometimes the masculine predominates.
Where are adjectives usually placed?
Usually, they are next to the noun modified (except sometimes in poetry). Usually, they follow the noun (exceptions, see next card).
When might an adjective precede the noun(s) it modifies?
Adjectives denoting size or number, as well as demonstratives (HIC, this; ILLE, that); also adjectives which the speaker or writer wishes to emphasize.
To what does Morphology refer?
This refers to the form of words, such as verb conjugations and noun-adjective declensions.
To what does Syntax refer?
This refers to the arrangement and interrelation of words to form meaningful phrases, clauses, and sentences.
How do you describe the syntax of a given noun or adjective?
You state its form (Form), the word on which it most closely depends (Dependence), and the reason for the form (ie, it’s grammatical Use or Function in the sentence).
What is a Conjunction?
It connects two or more elements, such as two nouns or two clauses.
What is a Coordinating Conjunction?
It is a conjunction that connects equivalent elements.
What is a Subordinating Conjunction?
It is a conjunction that introduces a subordinate (dependent) clause and connects it with a main (independent) clause.