Italian Verbs Participi Passati Irregolari Flashcards
to drink = I have drunken (I drank)
bere = ho bevuto
to open = I have opened
aprire = ho aperto
to ask = I have asked (I asked)
chiedere = ho chiesto
to close = I have closed (I closed)
chiudere = ho chiuso
to know (someone) = I have known (I knew)
conoscere = Ho conosciuto
to decided = I have decided (I decided)
decidere = ho deciso
to say = I have said (I said)
dire = ho detto
to do = I have done (I did)
fare = ho fatto
to read = I have read (I read)
leggere = ho letto
to put = I have put (I put)
mettere = ho messo
to offer = I have offered (I offered)
offrire = ho offerto
to lose = I have lost (I lost)
perdere = Ho perso (Ho perduto)
to take = I have taken (I took)
to answer = I have answered (I answered)
to answer = I have answered (I answered)
respondere = ho risposto
to write = I have written (I wrote)
Scrivere = ho scritto
to spend = I have spent (I spent)
spendere = ho speso
to see = I have seen (I saw)
vedere = ho visto (ho veduto)
to come = I have come (I came)
venire = sono venuto/a
to be = I have been (I was)
essere = sono stato/a
to die = I have died (I died)
morire = sono morto/a
to be born = I have been born (I was born)
nascere = sono nato/a
to remain = I have remained (I remained)
rimanere = sono rimasto/a