What were Somerset's religious changes? Flashcards
What were the religious aims?
-after Henry died the church was Catholic and without the Pope
-there was still great support of traditional practices and major changes such as the Dissolution of the Monasteries caused large unrest
-there were still lots of Catholic practices in place so if Somerset wanted to introduce Protestantism he needed to remove them
What were the religious changes that were made?
-the old and traditional practices were destroyed
-the Bishops were divided by their rules with a significant number->eg Gardiner was opposed to change and the others were undecided
-the majority of lower Clergy were opposed to change as well as lots of the populations
What does ‘horrible Cranmer screwed the idealistic country’s understanding’ stand for?
-homilies (book of)
-chantries destroyed
-six articles repealed
-treason act repealed
-imagery removed
-common book of prayer
-uniformity (act of)
What was the Book of Homilies and when was it introduced?
-July 1547
-provided the clergy with model sermons
-ordered that the Book of Homilies and Erasmus’ paraphrases should be placed in every church
What were the Royal Injunctions and when were they introduced?
-July 1547
-a set of rules given to the Clergy
-Clergy were ordered to conduct services in English, preach every Sunday and ensure that there was an English Bible in every church
-removed all superstitious images and statues->cautiously moves to Protestantism which did not satisfy radical elements to the church
What was the Chantries Act and when was it?
-the Dissolution of Chantries
->attack on superstition but raised money for war with Scotland
-Autumn of 1547
What were Chantries?
-places where the souls of the dead were said to be
Why did Somerset want to get rid of Chantries?
-they were where there were prayers to the dead happened ->stopped because there was no purgatory in Protestantism
When was the Treason Act repealed and what was a result of it?
-Autumn of 1547
-radicals were now free to discuss and demand more radical reforms as restrictions on what could be said was lifted->unleashed more radical views and unrest followed by iconoclastic on images and alters
Why did the government struggle to control the free speech of radicals due to the Treason Act being repeals and what issues did it cause? When?
-the government struggled to control such excesses and proclamations had to be issued between January and April 1548 to restore order and limit those who could preach->the impact was limited as in September 1548 the council had to ban all public preaching which limited the spread of Protestantism
When was all public preaching banned and what happened as a result of this?
-in September 1548 the council had to ban all public preaching which limited the spread of Protestantism
When was the Act of Six Articles repealed and what was a result of it?
-Autumn 1547
-repealed to help move England back to Protestantism
What was the Act of Six Articles 1539?
-statement of doctrine (a body of teaching)
-move people back towards Catholicism
-affirmed the Catholic belief of transubstantiation
-the hearing of confession by priests
-bans marriage of priests and anyone that has taken a vow of chastity
-it banned the taking of communion in both kinds (bread and wine)
When was imagery removed?
What was the Act of Uniformity and when was it?
-January 1549
-ordered the clergy to use a number of Protestant practices which had not previously been enforced
-enforced the use of the book of common prayer
When was the new Common Prayer Book introduced and what key things did it include?
-in English
-purgatory was still unclear
-no prayer for the dead
What Catholic practices stayed after the Common Prayer Book?
-the laity could receive bread and wine at communion
-fast days and the number of holy days remained
-belief in purgatory was neither condemned or upheld
-worships of saints was not banned it was only not encouraged
What was White Monday and when was it?
-the peasants in Sampford Courenay in Devon compelled their priests to revert to the old service arguing that the new English liturgy was ‘but lyke a Christmas game’
What does ‘horrible Cranmer screwed the idealistic country’s understanding’ stand for?
-homilies (book of)
-chantries destroyed
-six articles repealed
-treason act repealed
-imagery removed
-common book of prayer
-uniformity (act of)
What key things happened in 1547?
-Book of Homilies
-Chantries destroyed
-Six Articles repealed
-Treason Act repealed
What key things happened in 1548?
-imagery was removed
What key things happened in 1549?
-Common Book of Prayer
-Act of Uniformity