The Lady Jane Grey affair/The Succession Plot Flashcards
When was the 3rd Act of Succession and what did it state?
-after Henry died ,Edward would be next in line, then Mary, then Elizabeth
What was Edwards succession?
-doesn’t include Mary or Elizabeth
-all of his female relatives’ sons will be in line
-Lady Frances’ son first
How was the will changed?
-original notes of the succession were handwritten by Edward in January
-Mary was Catholic so was excluded
-initially suggested that the crown should be passed onto Lady jane Grey’s male heir
-LJG was Protestant so she was chosen but she didn’t have any children yet and had no time to have children as Edward was dying
-changed to ‘Lady Jane Grey and her heirs male’
What do historians argue about Edwards will?
-it could’ve been Northumberland who edited the will or Edward but Edward might’ve been too ill or too young
-Northumberland didn’t want a Catholic (Mary) to take the throne as he would loose power
-but Edward had matured and was playing a greater role as king
Who was Lady Jane Grey?
-9 day Queen
-first woman to be Queen of England
-Protestant->Mary was Catholic so they didn’t want her to take the throne because the Edwardian Reformation would be undone
- Henry’s great niece so Edward’s cousin
How old was Lady Jane Grey when she became Queen?
Who did Northumberland marry Lady Jane Grey to?
-his son in 1553
How long does it take Northumberland to declare Edwards death? Why?
-3 days
-to secure the heir to the throne and make preparations
What were sheriffs and justices of nearby countries ordered to do on the 8th July?
-raise forces
When was Lady Jane Grey taken to Northumberland’s house in Chelsea?
-9th July
Why did the plot fail due to Northumberland?
-didn’t mobilise the full military forces at their disposal
-didn’t act decisively
-left London
-needed to rally forces, distribute propaganda and lock in support of the Privy Council->unpopular
How did Mary gain support and beat Northumberland?
-acted without hesitation by raising a force, proclaiming herself as the rightful Queen, issuing proclamations and asking for Charles V’s support
-legitimacy claim->divine right of kings and the Act of Succession
-committed and broad spectrum of support->religious conservatism
How many forces did Mary have compared to Northumberland?
-Mary had 20,000
-Northumberland had 2,000
What mistake did Northumberland make?
-he ordered the Privy Council (who were in the Tower of London for protection) to send reinforcements but they didn’t->shows how they started to side with Mary
-he left London leaving the council without his influence
How did Northumberland fail as a result of Mary?
-his forces started to retreat as they heard rumours about Mary’s large number of forces
-Mary moved to Framlingham Castle which was a tactical position
-Northumberland retreated and was executed on 22nd August
When did Mary become Queen?
-19th July
When was Lady Jane Grey executed?
-12th February