What Was Aneurin Bevan's Role in the Creation of the NHS? Flashcards
Political Consensus
Clear political consensus- both Cons + Lab made it part of their manifesto
Labour gov pledged to include Beveridge Report recommendations
Bevan’s Aim
Bevan appointed as Minister for Health in Lab gov, pledged to build a health service based on 3 principles: free at point of use, available to everyone, and paid out of general taxation
National Health Insurance Act created in 1946 (47 for Scotland)
Conservative Opposition
Concerned about level of taxation and expansion of gov power
Supported healthcare reform conceptually, but in ‘A National Health Service’ (1944 White Paper) had suggested a regional service managed by Local Authorities
Medical Profession Opposition
British Medical Association feared expansion of gov intervention and nationalisation would lead to loss of independence + rich patients
1946- letter in BM Journal described Bevan as a ‘complete uncontrolled dictator’
Chairman of BMA described Bevan as a ‘medical Fuhrer’
Medical Profession Opposition
Once Health Bill became an act (end of ‘46), BMA adopted policy of non-cooperation and refused to negotiate
Bevan called them a ‘small body of politically poisoned people’
Bevan conceded doctors would retain freedom to run practices as small businesses, consultants would be given more money, and doctors still allowed to treat private patients
‘I stuffed their mouths with gold’
90% of doctors signed up for the new service
On eve of NHS’s launch, Bevan called the Tories ‘lower than vermin’
When + Size
NHS implemented on 5th July 1948
Centralised control of 3,100 hospitals, 550,000 beds, and 360,000 staff
Three part bureaucracy created to manage the service- 14 regional hospital boards (RHBs), 36 boards of govenors for teaching hospitals (BGs), 388 hospital management committees (HMCs), 138 executive councils (ECs), and 147 local health authorities (LHAs)