How Far Did the Provision of Education Improve, 1945-1979? Flashcards
Problems with British Education in the 1950s-1960s
Flaws of the Tripartite System
11+ entrenched elitism + excluded w/c system- 75% of students in secondary moderns
S-Ms underfunded, more behavioural problems, fewer resources, and poorer facilities
Problems with British Education in the 1950s-1960s
Changing Attitudes
By 1963, due to 13 years of Conservative rule there was a growing anti-elitist
Growing animosity towards Etonian MacMillan and Home
Problems with British Education in the 1950s-1960s
International Comparisons
Most countries in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and Japan had abolished selective education
Britain lagging behind (only 10% in comprehensives by 1964)
Growing Pressure for Change
Crowther Report
Leaving age should be 16
More vocational courses + colleges
More opportunities for less-able students
All pupils have access to O-Level (16) and A-Level (18) qualifications
Recognised social inequality + difference in quality
Growing Pressure for Change
Newsom Report
Serious failings in provision in poorer areas- particularly inner-city secondary moderns
Called for focus on lower-ability teaching and parlimentary investigation into link between deprivation and poor attainment
Growing Pressure for Change
Growing pressure from working + middle class parents- unhappy with disparity
Many felt that failing the 11+ condemned children to a lesser quality of education
The Development of Comprehensive Schooling, 1964-1979
(Crosland) Circular 10/65
Called for universal education, stated aim to end selection at 11 and eliminate seperatism
Requested LEAs dismantle grammar schools and create comprehensives
The Development of Comprehensive Schooling, 1964-1979
(Crosland) Department of Education
1966 statement
The DofE would refuse to approve construction of new schools unless they were comprehensives
Financial pressures coerced LEAs to reorganise education
The Development of Comprehensive Schooling, 1964-1979
Heath’s Education Secretary
Authorised more comprehensives than any other Education Secretary (1960s + 70s)
Comprehensives doubled- 30% to 60% of schools
The Development of Comprehensive Schooling, 1964-1979
(Williams) Education Act
Removed funding from grammar schools and forced LEAs to introduce comprehensive education or lose funding
The Development of Comprehensive Schooling, 1964-1979
Overall Change- Statistics
By 1979, main form of secondary education
7% in 1964 to 90% in 1980
1965- 262 comprehensives, 1,285 grammar schools
1979- 3,297 comprehensives, 224 grammar schools
Other Reforms, 1964-1979
Top 20% took O-Levels in 1964
1965- CSE introduced, more pupils left with qualifications
Other Reforms, 1964-1979
Education Act (1973)
Raised leaving age to 16
Encouraged ‘work experience’ schemes for students in their final year
Other Reforms, 1964-1979
Government funding boosted uni places available at new unis- Sussex and Kent
Encouraged unis to drop requirement of O-Level Latin (increased applications from comprehensives)
Declining Standards of Education, 1964-1979
Plowden Report (1967)
Banning corporal punishment
Giving children freedom and choice
Learning through play
Restricting teaching of grammar and punctuation
Encourage teachers to facilitate learning, not lecture
Declining Standards of Education, 1964-1979
Plowden Report (1967)- Influence
Child-centred learning embraced
Inner London Education Authority e.g William Tynedale- taken to extreme: discipline relaxed, uniform abolished, teachers referred to by first name, and students given choice over learning
Declining Standards of Education, 1964-1979
Yellow Book (1976)
Callaghan ordered
Found school discipline was in crisis, curriculum didn’t prepare pupils for future careers, and government had little control
Declining Standards of Education, 1964-1979
Ruskin College Speech
Callaghan, 1976- two main reforms
Schools + teachers should be closely scrutinised
National curriculum needed
Led to National Curriculum (1988) and OFSTED (1992)
Education by 1979
Limited Change
Despite aim to remove grammar schools, selective education not completely abolished
Many grammar schools simply became fee-paying, removal of social mobility through meritocracy
Education by 1979
Significant Change
Comprehensives main form of education- 90% by 1980
Work experience- emphasis on employment